@ -475,14 +475,15 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
logger.warning("Collection Error: smart_label attribute is blank defaulting to random")
logger.warning("Collection Error: smart_label attribute is blank defaulting to random")
logger.debug(f"Value: {self.data[methods['smart_label']]}")
logger.debug(f"Value: {self.data[methods['smart_label']]}")
if (self.library.is_movie and str(self.data[methods["smart_label"]]).lower() in plex.movie_smart_sorts) \
if (self.library.is_movie and str(self.data[methods["smart_label"]]).lower() in plex.movie_sorts) \
or (self.library.is_show and str(self.data[methods["smart_label"]]).lower() in plex.show_smart_sorts):
or (self.library.is_show and str(self.data[methods["smart_label"]]).lower() in plex.show_sorts):
self.smart_sort = str(self.data[methods["smart_label"]]).lower()
self.smart_sort = str(self.data[methods["smart_label"]]).lower()
logger.warning(f"Collection Error: smart_label attribute: {self.data[methods['smart_label']]} is invalid defaulting to random")
logger.warning(f"Collection Error: smart_label attribute: {self.data[methods['smart_label']]} is invalid defaulting to random")
self.smart_url = None
self.smart_url = None
self.smart_type_key = None
self.smart_type_key = None
self.smart_filter_details = ""
if "smart_url" in methods:
if "smart_url" in methods:
logger.info("Validating Method: smart_url")
logger.info("Validating Method: smart_url")
@ -495,143 +496,8 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
except ValueError:
except ValueError:
raise Failed("Collection Error: smart_url is incorrectly formatted")
raise Failed("Collection Error: smart_url is incorrectly formatted")
self.smart_filter_details = ""
if "smart_filter" in methods:
if "smart_filter" in methods:
self.smart_type_key, self.smart_filter_details, self.smart_url = self.build_filter("smart_filter", self.data[methods["smart_filter"]], smart=True, display=True)
logger.info("Validating Method: smart_filter")
filter_details = "\n"
smart_filter = self.data[methods["smart_filter"]]
if smart_filter is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: smart_filter attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(smart_filter, dict):
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: smart_filter must be a dictionary: {smart_filter}")
logger.debug(f"Value: {self.data[methods['smart_filter']]}")
smart_methods = {m.lower(): m for m in smart_filter}
if "any" in smart_methods and "all" in smart_methods:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: Cannot have more then one base")
if "any" not in smart_methods and "all" not in smart_methods:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: Must have either any or all as a base for the filter")
if "type" in smart_methods and self.library.is_show:
if smart_filter[smart_methods["type"]] not in ["shows", "seasons", "episodes"]:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: type: {smart_filter[smart_methods['type']]} is invalid, must be either shows, season, or episodes")
smart_type = smart_filter[smart_methods["type"]]
elif self.library.is_show:
smart_type = "shows"
smart_type = "movies"
filter_details += f"Smart {smart_type.capitalize()[:-1]} Filter\n"
self.smart_type_key, smart_sorts = plex.smart_types[smart_type]
smart_sort = "random"
if "sort_by" in smart_methods:
if smart_filter[smart_methods["sort_by"]] is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: sort_by attribute is blank")
if smart_filter[smart_methods["sort_by"]] not in smart_sorts:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: sort_by: {smart_filter[smart_methods['sort_by']]} is invalid")
smart_sort = smart_filter[smart_methods["sort_by"]]
filter_details += f"Sort By: {smart_sort}\n"
limit = None
if "limit" in smart_methods:
if smart_filter[smart_methods["limit"]] is None:
raise Failed("Collection Error: limit attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(smart_filter[smart_methods["limit"]], int) or smart_filter[smart_methods["limit"]] < 1:
raise Failed("Collection Error: limit attribute must be an integer greater then 0")
limit = smart_filter[smart_methods["limit"]]
filter_details += f"Limit: {limit}\n"
validate = True
if "validate" in smart_methods:
if smart_filter[smart_methods["validate"]] is None:
raise Failed("Collection Error: validate attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(smart_filter[smart_methods["validate"]], bool):
raise Failed("Collection Error: validate attribute must be either true or false")
validate = smart_filter[smart_methods["validate"]]
filter_details += f"Validate: {validate}\n"
def _filter(filter_dict, is_all=True, level=1):
output = ""
display = f"\n{' ' * level}Match {'all' if is_all else 'any'} of the following:"
level += 1
indent = f"\n{' ' * level}"
conjunction = f"{'and' if is_all else 'or'}=1&"
for smart_key, smart_data in filter_dict.items():
smart, smart_mod, smart_final = self._split(smart_key)
def build_url_arg(arg, mod=None, arg_s=None, mod_s=None):
arg_key = plex.search_translation[smart] if smart in plex.search_translation else smart
if mod is None:
mod = plex.modifier_translation[smart_mod] if smart_mod in plex.modifier_translation else smart_mod
if arg_s is None:
arg_s = arg
if smart in string_filters and smart_mod in ["", ".not"]:
mod_s = "does not contain" if smart_mod == ".not" else "contains"
elif mod_s is None:
mod_s = plex.mod_displays[smart_mod]
param_s = plex.search_display[smart] if smart in plex.search_display else smart.title().replace('_', ' ')
display_line = f"{indent}{param_s} {mod_s} {arg_s}"
return f"{arg_key}{mod}={arg}&", display_line
if smart_final not in plex.searches and smart_final not in ["any", "all"] and smart_mod != ".and":
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {smart_final} is not a valid smart filter attribute")
elif smart_final in plex.movie_only_searches and self.library.is_show:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {smart_final} smart filter attribute only works for movie libraries")
elif smart_final in plex.show_only_searches and self.library.is_movie:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {smart_final} smart filter attribute only works for show libraries")
elif smart_data is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {smart_final} smart filter attribute is blank")
elif smart in ["all", "any"]:
dicts = util.get_list(smart_data)
results = ""
display_add = ""
for dict_data in dicts:
if not isinstance(dict_data, dict):
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {smart} must be either a dictionary or list of dictionaries")
inside_filter, inside_display = _filter(dict_data, is_all=smart == "all", level=level)
if len(inside_filter) > 0:
display_add += inside_display
results += f"{conjunction if len(results) > 0 else ''}push=1&{inside_filter}pop=1&"
validation = self.validate_attribute(smart, smart_mod, smart_final, smart_data, validate, smart=True)
if validation is None:
elif smart in plex.date_attributes and smart_mod in ["", ".not"]:
last_text = "is not in the last" if smart_mod == ".not" else "is in the last"
last_mod = "%3E%3E" if smart_mod == "" else "%3C%3C"
results, display_add = build_url_arg(f"-{validation}d", mod=last_mod, arg_s=f"{validation} Days", mod_s=last_text)
elif smart == "duration" and smart_mod in [".gt", ".gte", ".lt", ".lte"]:
results, display_add = build_url_arg(validation * 60000)
elif smart in plex.boolean_attributes:
bool_mod = "" if validation else "!"
bool_arg = "true" if validation else "false"
results, display_add = build_url_arg(1, mod=bool_mod, arg_s=bool_arg, mod_s="is")
elif (smart in ["title", "episode_title", "studio", "decade", "year", "episode_year"] or smart in plex.tags) and smart_mod in ["", ".not", ".begins", ".ends"]:
results = ""
display_add = ""
for og_value, result in validation:
built_arg = build_url_arg(quote(result) if smart in string_filters else result, arg_s=og_value)
display_add += built_arg[1]
results += f"{conjunction if len(results) > 0 else ''}{built_arg[0]}"
results, display_add = build_url_arg(validation)
display += display_add
output += f"{conjunction if len(output) > 0 else ''}{results}"
return output, display
base = "all" if "all" in smart_methods else "any"
base_all = base == "all"
if smart_filter[smart_methods[base]] is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {base} attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(smart_filter[smart_methods[base]], dict):
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {base} must be a dictionary: {smart_filter[smart_methods[base]]}")
built_filter, filter_text = _filter(smart_filter[smart_methods[base]], is_all=base_all)
self.smart_filter_details = f"{filter_details}Filter:{filter_text}"
if len(built_filter) > 0:
final_filter = built_filter[:-1] if base_all else f"push=1&{built_filter}pop=1"
self.smart_url = f"?type={self.smart_type_key}&{f'limit={limit}&' if limit else ''}sort={smart_sorts[smart_sort]}&{final_filter}"
raise Failed("Collection Error: No Filter Created")
def cant_interact(attr1, attr2, fail=False):
def cant_interact(attr1, attr2, fail=False):
if getattr(self, attr1) and getattr(self, attr2):
if getattr(self, attr1) and getattr(self, attr2):
@ -804,7 +670,7 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
elif method_name == "sonarr_tag":
elif method_name == "sonarr_tag":
self.sonarr_options["tag"] = util.get_list(method_data)
self.sonarr_options["tag"] = util.get_list(method_data)
elif method_final in plex.searches:
elif method_final in plex.searches:
self.methods.append(("plex_search", [{method_name: self.validate_attribute(method_name, method_mod, method_final, method_data, True)}]))
self.methods.append(("plex_search", [self.build_filter("plex_search", {"all": {method_name: method_data}}, smart=False)]))
elif method_name == "plex_all":
elif method_name == "plex_all":
self.methods.append((method_name, [""]))
self.methods.append((method_name, [""]))
elif method_name == "anidb_popular":
elif method_name == "anidb_popular":
@ -911,42 +777,7 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
new_dictionary["exclude"] = exact_list
new_dictionary["exclude"] = exact_list
self.methods.append((method_name, [new_dictionary]))
self.methods.append((method_name, [new_dictionary]))
elif method_name == "plex_search":
elif method_name == "plex_search":
searches = {}
self.methods.append((method_name, [self.build_filter("plex_search", method_data, smart=False)]))
validate = True
if "validate" in method_data:
if method_data["validate"] is None:
raise Failed("Collection Error: validate plex search attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(method_data["validate"], bool):
raise Failed("Collection Error: validate plex search attribute must be either true or false")
validate = method_data["validate"]
for search_name, search_data in method_data.items():
search, modifier, search_final = self._split(search_name)
if search_final not in plex.searches:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {search_final} is not a valid plex search attribute")
elif search_final in plex.movie_only_searches and self.library.is_show:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {search_final} plex search attribute only works for movie libraries")
elif search_final in plex.show_only_searches and self.library.is_movie:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {search_final} plex search attribute only works for show libraries")
elif search_data is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {search_final} plex search attribute is blank")
elif search == "sort_by":
if str(search_data).lower() in plex.sorts:
searches[search] = str(search_data).lower()
logger.warning(f"Collection Error: {search_data} is not a valid plex search sort defaulting to title.asc")
elif search == "limit":
if not search_data:
raise Failed(f"Collection Warning: plex search limit attribute is blank")
elif not isinstance(search_data, int) and search_data > 0:
raise Failed(f"Collection Warning: plex search limit attribute: {search_data} must be an integer greater then 0")
searches[search] = search_data
searches[search_final] = self.validate_attribute(search, modifier, search_final, search_data, validate)
if len(searches) > 0:
self.methods.append((method_name, [searches]))
raise Failed("Collection Error: no valid plex search attributes")
elif method_name == "tmdb_discover":
elif method_name == "tmdb_discover":
new_dictionary = {"limit": 100}
new_dictionary = {"limit": 100}
for discover_name, discover_data in method_data.items():
for discover_name, discover_data in method_data.items():
@ -1267,6 +1098,156 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
elif "trakt" in method: check_map(self.config.Trakt.get_items(method, value, self.library.is_movie))
elif "trakt" in method: check_map(self.config.Trakt.get_items(method, value, self.library.is_movie))
else: logger.error(f"Collection Error: {method} method not supported")
else: logger.error(f"Collection Error: {method} method not supported")
def build_filter(self, method, plex_filter, smart=False, display=False):
if display:
logger.info(f"Validating Method: {method}")
if plex_filter is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method} attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(plex_filter, dict):
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method} must be a dictionary: {plex_filter}")
if display:
logger.debug(f"Value: {plex_filter}")
filter_alias = {m.lower(): m for m in plex_filter}
if "any" in filter_alias and "all" in filter_alias:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: Cannot have more then one base")
if smart and "type" in filter_alias and self.library.is_show:
if plex_filter[filter_alias["type"]] not in ["shows", "seasons", "episodes"]:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: type: {plex_filter[filter_alias['type']]} is invalid, must be either shows, season, or episodes")
sort_type = plex_filter[filter_alias["type"]]
elif self.library.is_show:
sort_type = "shows"
sort_type = "movies"
ms = method.split("_")
filter_details = f"{ms[0].capitalize()} {sort_type.capitalize()[:-1]} {ms[1].capitalize()}\n"
type_key, sorts = plex.sort_types[sort_type]
sort = "random"
if "sort_by" in filter_alias:
if plex_filter[filter_alias["sort_by"]] is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: sort_by attribute is blank")
if plex_filter[filter_alias["sort_by"]] not in sorts:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: sort_by: {plex_filter[filter_alias['sort_by']]} is invalid")
sort = plex_filter[filter_alias["sort_by"]]
filter_details += f"Sort By: {sort}\n"
limit = None
if "limit" in filter_alias:
if plex_filter[filter_alias["limit"]] is None:
raise Failed("Collection Error: limit attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(plex_filter[filter_alias["limit"]], int) or plex_filter[filter_alias["limit"]] < 1:
raise Failed("Collection Error: limit attribute must be an integer greater then 0")
limit = plex_filter[filter_alias["limit"]]
filter_details += f"Limit: {limit}\n"
validate = True
if "validate" in filter_alias:
if plex_filter[filter_alias["validate"]] is None:
raise Failed("Collection Error: validate attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(plex_filter[filter_alias["validate"]], bool):
raise Failed("Collection Error: validate attribute must be either true or false")
validate = plex_filter[filter_alias["validate"]]
filter_details += f"Validate: {validate}\n"
def _filter(filter_dict, is_all=True, level=1):
output = ""
display = f"\n{' ' * level}Match {'all' if is_all else 'any'} of the following:"
level += 1
indent = f"\n{' ' * level}"
conjunction = f"{'and' if is_all else 'or'}=1&"
for _key, _data in filter_dict.items():
attr, modifier, final = self._split(_key)
def build_url_arg(arg, mod=None, arg_s=None, mod_s=None):
arg_key = plex.search_translation[attr] if attr in plex.search_translation else attr
if mod is None:
mod = plex.modifier_translation[modifier] if modifier in plex.modifier_translation else modifier
if arg_s is None:
arg_s = arg
if attr in string_filters and modifier in ["", ".not"]:
mod_s = "does not contain" if modifier == ".not" else "contains"
elif mod_s is None:
mod_s = plex.mod_displays[modifier]
param_s = plex.search_display[attr] if attr in plex.search_display else attr.title().replace('_', ' ')
display_line = f"{indent}{param_s} {mod_s} {arg_s}"
return f"{arg_key}{mod}={arg}&", display_line
if final not in plex.searches and final not in ["any", "all"] and modifier != ".and":
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {final} is not a valid {method} attribute")
elif final in plex.movie_only_searches and self.library.is_show:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {final} {method} attribute only works for movie libraries")
elif final in plex.show_only_searches and self.library.is_movie:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {final} {method} attribute only works for show libraries")
elif _data is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {final} {method} attribute is blank")
elif attr in ["all", "any"]:
dicts = util.get_list(_data)
results = ""
display_add = ""
for dict_data in dicts:
if not isinstance(dict_data, dict):
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {attr} must be either a dictionary or list of dictionaries")
inside_filter, inside_display = _filter(dict_data, is_all=attr == "all", level=level)
if len(inside_filter) > 0:
display_add += inside_display
results += f"{conjunction if len(results) > 0 else ''}push=1&{inside_filter}pop=1&"
validation = self.validate_attribute(attr, modifier, final, _data, validate, smart=True)
if validation is None:
elif attr in plex.date_attributes and modifier in ["", ".not"]:
last_text = "is not in the last" if modifier == ".not" else "is in the last"
last_mod = "%3E%3E" if modifier == "" else "%3C%3C"
results, display_add = build_url_arg(f"-{validation}d", mod=last_mod, arg_s=f"{validation} Days", mod_s=last_text)
elif attr == "duration" and modifier in [".gt", ".gte", ".lt", ".lte"]:
results, display_add = build_url_arg(validation * 60000)
elif attr in plex.boolean_attributes:
bool_mod = "" if validation else "!"
bool_arg = "true" if validation else "false"
results, display_add = build_url_arg(1, mod=bool_mod, arg_s=bool_arg, mod_s="is")
elif (attr in ["title", "episode_title", "studio", "decade", "year", "episode_year"] or attr in plex.tags) and modifier in ["", ".not", ".begins", ".ends"]:
results = ""
display_add = ""
for og_value, result in validation:
built_arg = build_url_arg(quote(result) if attr in string_filters else result, arg_s=og_value)
display_add += built_arg[1]
results += f"{conjunction if len(results) > 0 else ''}{built_arg[0]}"
results, display_add = build_url_arg(validation)
display += display_add
output += f"{conjunction if len(output) > 0 else ''}{results}"
return output, display
if "any" not in filter_alias and "all" not in filter_alias:
base_dict = {}
for alias_key, alias_value in filter_alias.items():
if alias_key not in ["type", "sort_by", "limit", "validate"]:
base_dict[alias_value] = plex_filter[alias_value]
base_all = True
if len(base_dict) == 0:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: Must have either any or all as a base for {method}")
base = "all" if "all" in filter_alias else "any"
base_all = base == "all"
if plex_filter[filter_alias[base]] is None:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {base} attribute is blank")
if not isinstance(plex_filter[filter_alias[base]], dict):
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {base} must be a dictionary: {plex_filter[filter_alias[base]]}")
base_dict = plex_filter[filter_alias[base]]
built_filter, filter_text = _filter(base_dict, is_all=base_all)
filter_details = f"{filter_details}Filter:{filter_text}"
if len(built_filter) > 0:
final_filter = built_filter[:-1] if base_all else f"push=1&{built_filter}pop=1"
filter_url = f"?type={type_key}&{f'limit={limit}&' if limit else ''}sort={sorts[sort]}&{final_filter}"
raise Failed("Collection Error: No Filter Created")
return type_key, filter_details, filter_url
def validate_attribute(self, attribute, modifier, final, data, validate, smart=False):
def validate_attribute(self, attribute, modifier, final, data, validate, smart=False):
def smart_pair(list_to_pair):
def smart_pair(list_to_pair):
return [(t, t) for t in list_to_pair] if smart else list_to_pair
return [(t, t) for t in list_to_pair] if smart else list_to_pair