You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

12 KiB


include-markdown "../config/" %}

  • See File Blocks for more information on how to define files in the config.

Structure of a collection/overlay/playlist file

A collection/overlay/playlist file is a YAML file that defines a collection, overlay, or playlist. It is made up of a series of attributes that define how the collection/overlay/playlist is built and what metadata is associated with it.

The structure of a collection/overlay/playlist file is as follows:


`COLLECTION_ONE` and `COLLECTION_TWO` are the names of the collections as shown in Plex.  These are arbitrary, but should be unique.


`OVERLAY_ONE` and `OVERLAY_TWO` are the names of the overlays.  With overlays specifically, those names refer to the images that will be used, unless you specify differently in the `OVERLAY DETAILS`.


`PLAYLIST_ONE` and `PLAYLIST_TWO` are the names of the playlists as shown in Plex.  These are arbitrary, but should be unique.

Step one: Builders

A "Builder" is an attribute that tells Kometa what items belong in a collection/overlay/playlist. Builders are placed at the top level of the definition. Multiple builders can be used in one definition.

This might be something like a search in Plex for a specific genre, or a list of items from a specific source.

All available builders are listed here.

Builders are common to all types of definitions.

Every collection/overlay/playlist needs at least one builder, since without a starting point, there's nothing to build.

Here are some examples:

=== "Collection: Plex search" plex_search is a builder that searches your Plex library for items that match the criteria you provide.

    plex_search:             # This is the builder
        genre: Documentary
That will create a collection of all documentaries in your Plex library.

=== "Collection: MDB List" mdblist_list is a builder that finds every item in a MDBList List.

  Top Movies of The Week:
                # mdblist_list is the builder

That will create a collection of the movies on that particular MDB list

=== "Collection: Plex All" plex_all is a builder that finds every item in your Plex library.

It is typically used with filters.

  Everything in Plex: 
    plex_all: true             # This is the builder
That will create a collection of everything in your Plex library.

=== "Overlay: 4K Banner" plex_search is a builder that searches your Plex library for items that match the criteria you provide.

  4K:               # Since this is a minimal overlay, Kometa will look for '4K.png' in the overlays folder.
    plex_search:    # This is the builder
        resolution: 4K

That would apply the `4K.png` overlay to all items in your Plex library that have a resolution of 4K.

=== "Overlay: IMDB Top 250" imdb_chart is a builder that finds items based on IMDB charts.

  IMDB-Top-250:            # Since this is a minimal overlay, Kometa will look for 'IMDB-Top-250.png' in the overlays folder.
    imdb_chart: top_movies # This is the builder

That would apply the `IMDB-Top-250.png` overlay to whatever of the top 250 movies on IMDB you have in your library.

=== "Playlist: Plex Search" plex_search is a builder that searches your Plex library for items that match the criteria you provide.

  1990s Movies:
    plex_search:      # This is the builder
        decade: 1990
That will create a playlist of all movies from the 1990s in your Plex library.

All of the available builders work similarly, but have different attributes that you can use to define what items are included in the collection.

Some might require a URL, some might require a list of genres, some might require a list of keywords, etc.

Some might allow you to specify a minimum number of items to include, or a maximum number of items to include, etc.

With the builder, you have the initial list of items that you want to include in the collection.

Step two: Filters

A filter is an attribute that tells Kometa to filter out items from the builder that don't meet the criteria you provide. Filters are placed under the filters attribute.

All available filters are listed here.

Filters are again common to all types of definitions.

Filters require builders; without a builder, there is nothing for the filter to do.

There are some specific filters that can filter missing items sent to Radarr/Sonarr and if needed you can use the only_filter_missing setting to have the filter only effect the missing items.

Filters are optional, and generally speaking you should try to avoid using them if you can. They are slower than builders, and can slow down the process of building a collection.

For example:

It's faster to ask Plex for a list of movies released in 1981 than it is to ask Plex for a list of all movies and then look at all 8000 filter out the ones released in 1981.

=== "Movies from 1981 created by plex_search" This: yaml collections: 1981 by search: plex_search: all: year: 1981

When run against a Plex library of 8842 items, produced a collection containing 46 items, and took 3 seconds:

|                            Finished 1981 by search Collection                            |
|                               Collection Run Time: 0:00:03                               |

=== "Movies from 1981 created by plex_all and filters" While this: yaml collections: 1981 by filter: plex_all: true filters: year: 1981

When run against the same Plex library of 8842 items, produced the same collection containing the same 46 items, and took over 5 minutes:

|                            Finished 1981 by filter Collection                            |
|                               Collection Run Time: 0:05:30                               |

In some cases, however, filters are unavoidable. For example, if you want to filter out items that don't have a specific keyword, you have to use a filter.

Examples: === "Filtering on TMDB votes" yaml collections: Romance Movies that TMDB members liked: plex_search: all: genre: Romance filters: tmdb_vote_count.gte: 1000 tmdb_vote_average.gte: 7.5

That will create a collection of all romance movies in your Plex library that have a vote count of at least 1000 and a vote average of at least 7.5 on TMDb.

You can search Plex for the romance genre, but Plex cannot access TMDB vote count or average, so those things need to use a filter in Kometa. 

=== "Filtering on TVDB status" yaml collections: All cancelled shows: plex_all: true filters: tvdb_status: ended

That will create a collection of all cancelled shows in your Plex TV library.

Plex cannot access TVDB status, so that needs to use a filter in Kometa. 

=== "Filtering on file attributes" yaml collections: Best Movies of 2020 with Commentary: trakt_list: filters: audio_track_title: Commentary

That will create a collection of movies from that Looper list for which your copies have commentary tracks.

The builder is the list of movies from the Looper list, and the filter looks for the commentary track.

Step three: Metadata Details

METADATA DETAILS is where you'd set things like a poster or a sort order or the like.

You can also set metadata for items within the collection.

Some of these are usable with all types of definitions; some are not. Refer to the specific page for details.

Settings to control how the collection is built are listed here.

Settings to override Radarr/Sonarr settings are listed here.

Settings to update the metadata of the collection/playlist are listed here.

Settings to update the metadata of the items in the collection/playlist are listed here.

Examples: === "Add a poster to a collection" yaml collections: Romance Movies: plex_search: all: genre: Romance url_poster:

Adds a poster to the collection, using one of the attributes [here](./

=== "Change collection sort order" yaml collections: Romance Movies: plex_search: all: genre: Romance collection_order: release.desc

Sorts the items in the collection by descending release date, using one of the attributes [here](./

=== "Override global Radarr tag" yaml collections: Romance Movies: plex_search: all: genre: Romance radarr_tag: romance_tag

Sets a tag in Radarr on items in the collection instead of any tag specified in the settings, using one of the attributes [here](./

=== "Label items ONLY; no collection built" yaml collections: Tag IMDB Top 250 Tagger: imdb_chart: top_movies item_label: imdb_top_250 build_collection: false

Sets a label on all items in Plex that are part of the IMDB Top 250, but doesn't build the collection.

Uses attributes from [here](./ and [here](./

=== "Set a minumum collection size" yaml collections: At least ten action movies: minimum_items: 10 plex_search: any: genre: Action This will create a collection of action movies from your plex library, but only if there are at minimum 10 items found by the search.

OVERLAY DETAILS is where you'd set up the attributes of an overlay.

There are a number of examples of overlays here.