You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

9.3 KiB

DE Content Rating Collections

The content_rating_de Default Collection File is used to dynamically create collections based on the content ratings available in your library.

If you do not use the German-based rating system within Plex, this file will attempt to match the ratings in your library to the respective rating system.

Requirements & Recommendations

Supported Library Types: Movie, Show

Recommendation: Set the Certification Country within your library's advanced settings to "Germany"

Collections Section 110

Collection Key Description
Ratings Collections separator Separator Collection to denote the Section of Collections.
<<Content Rating>> Movies/Shows
Example: BPjM Movies
<<Content Rating>>
Example: BPjM
Collection of Movies/Shows that have this Content Rating.
Not Rated Movies/Shows other Collection of Movies/Shows that are Unrated, Not Rated or any other uncommon Ratings.


The below YAML in your config.yml will create the collections:

      - pmm: content_rating_de
  TV Shows:
      - pmm: content_rating_de

Template Variable Default Values

Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to make your own local copy.

This file contains a Separator so all Shared Separator Variables are available as well.

Variable Description & Values
limit Description: Changes the Builder Limit for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: Number Greater than 0
limit_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the Builder Limit of the specified key's collection.
Default: limit
Values: Number Greater than 0
sort_by Description: Changes the Smart Filter Sort for all collections in a Defaults file.
Default: release.desc
Values: Any smart_filter Sort Option
sort_by_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the Smart Filter Sort of the specified key's collection.
Default: sort_by
Values: Any smart_filter Sort Option
include Description: Overrides the default include list.
Values: List of Content Ratings found in your library
exclude Description: Exclude these Content Ratings from creating a Dynamic Collection.
Values: List of Content Ratings found in your library
addons Description: Overrides the default addons dictionary. Defines how multiple keys can be combined under a parent key. The parent key doesn't have to already exist in Plex
Values: Dictionary List of Content Ratings found in your library
append_include Description: Appends to the default include list.
Values: List of Content Ratings found in your library
remove_include Description: Removes from the default include list.
Values: List of Content Ratings found in your library
append_addons Description: Appends to the default addons dictionary.
Values: Dictionary List of Content Ratings found in your library
remove_addons Description: Removes from the default addons dictionary.
Values: Dictionary List of Content Ratings found in your library
name_format Description: Changes the title format of the Dynamic Collections.
Default: <<key_name>> <<library_translationU>>s
Values: Any string with <<key_name>> in it.
summary_format Description: Changes the summary format of the Dynamic Collections.
Default: <<library_translationU>>s that are rated <<key_name>>.
Values: Any string.
  1. Each default collection has a key that when calling to effect a specific collection you must replace <<key>> with when calling.

{% include-markdown "../" %}

Example Template Variable Amendments

The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.

???+ tip

Anywhere you see this icon:

> :fontawesome-solid-circle-plus:

That's a tooltip, you can press them to get more information.
      - pmm: content_rating_cs
          sep_style: stb #(1)!
          use_other: false #(2)!
            BPjM: #(3)!
              - X #(4)!
          sort_by: title.asc
  1. Use the stb Separator Style
  2. Do not create a "Not Rated Movies/Shows" collection
  3. Defines a collection which will be called "BPjM", this does not need to already exist in your library
  4. Adds the "X" content rating to the "BPjM" addon list, "X" must exist in your library if the "BPjM" content rating does not

Default values

???+ tip

These are lists provided for reference to show what values will be in use if you do no customization.  **These do not show how to change a name or a list.**

If you want to customize these values, use the methods described above.

Default include

  - 0
  - 6
  - 12
  - 16
  - 18
  - BPjM

Default addons

        - de/0
        - U
        - 1
        - 2
        - 3
        - 4
        - 5
        - "01"
        - "02"
        - "03"
        - "04"
        - "05"
        - G
        - TV-G
        - TV-Y
        - G - All Ages
        - gb/U
        - gb/0+
        - E
        - gb/E
        - A
        - no/A
        - no/5
        - no/05
        - de/6
        - gb/9+
        - TV-PG
        - TV-Y7
        - TV-Y7-FV
        - PG
        - 7
        - 8
        - 9
        - 10
        - 11
        - "07"
        - "08"
        - "09"
        - PG - Children
        - no/6
        - no/06
        - no/7
        - no/07
        - no/9
        - no/09
        - no/10
        - no/11
        - de/12
        - gb/12
        - no/12
        - gb/15
        - gb/14+
        - TV-14
        - 13
        - 14
        - 15
        - PG-13 - Teens 13 or o
        - PG-13
        - no/15
        - de/16
        - no/16
        - A-17
        - TVMA
        - TV-MA
        - R
        - 17
        - M/PG
        - de/18
        - gb/18
        - M
        - no/18
        - R18
        - gb/R18
        - gb/X
        - X
        - NC-17
        - R+ - Mild Nudity
        - Rx - Hentai
        - de/BPjM Restricted
        - BPjM Restricted