
24 KiB

Ratings Overlays

The ratings Default Overlay File is used to create an overlay based on the Critic Rating, Audience Rating, and User Rating in Plex for each item within your library.

This file only updates the overlays based on the data in Plex, it will not pull the ratings directly from any third-party website, see recommendations below for more info.

Please read PMM Ratings Explained for more understanding on how PMM interacts with ratings.

Requirements & Recommendations

Supported Overlay Level: Movie, Show, Episode

Requirements: Template Variables must be configured, otherwise this file will not apply any overlays.

Recommendations: Use the Mass * Rating Update Library Operation and the Mass Episode * Rating Update Library Operation to update Plex to the Ratings you want on the Overlay.


The below YAML in your config.yml will create the overlays:

      - pmm: ratings
          rating1: critic
          rating2: audience
          rating3: user
          rating1_image: imdb
          rating2_image: rt_popcorn
          rating3_image: tmdb
      mass_critic_rating_update: imdb
      mass_audience_rating_update: mdb_tomatoesaudience
      mass_user_rating_update: tmdb
  TV Shows:
      - pmm: ratings
          rating1: critic
          rating2: audience
          rating3: user
          rating1_image: imdb
          rating2_image: rt_popcorn
          rating3_image: tmdb
      - pmm: ratings
          builder_level: episode
          rating1: critic
          rating2: audience
          rating1_image: imdb
          rating2_image: tmdb
      mass_critic_rating_update: imdb
      mass_audience_rating_update: mdb_tomatoesaudience
      mass_user_rating_update: tmdb
      mass_episode_critic_rating_update: imdb
      mass_episode_audience_rating_update: tmdb

Template Variables

Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to make your own local copy.

Note that the template_variables: section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults work. Any value not specified will use its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.

??? abstract "Variable Lists (click to expand)"

* **File-Specific Template Variables** are variables available specifically for this PMM Defaults file.

* **Overlay Template Variables** are additional variables shared across the PMM Overlay Defaults.

* **Overlay Text Template Variables** are additional variables shared across the PMM Text Overlay Defaults.

??? example "Default Template Variable Values (click to expand)"

    | Variable            | Default     |
    | `horizontal_offset` | `30`        |
    | `horizontal_align`  | `left`      |
    | `vertical_offset`   | `0`         |
    | `vertical_align`    | `center`    |
    | `back_color`        | `#00000099` |
    | `back_radius`       | `30`        |
    | `back_width`        | `160`       |
    | `back_height`       | `160`       |
    | `back_padding`      | `15`        |
    | `back_radius`       | `30`        |
=== "File-Specific Template Variables"

    These can be prependd with `rating1_`, `rating2_`, or `rating3_` to change that attribute on each rating 

    ???+ warning

        To amend `horizontal_offset` and `vertical_offset` you **must** prepend the variable with `rating1_`, 
        `rating2_`, or `rating3_`

    | Variable                 | Description & Values                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
    | `rating1`                | **Description:** Choose the rating to display in rating1.<br>**Values:** `critic`, `audience`, or `user`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    | `rating1_image`          | **Description:** Choose the rating image to display in rating1.<br>**Values:** `anidb`, `imdb`, `letterboxd`, `tmdb`, `metacritic`, `rt_popcorn`, `rt_tomato`, `trakt`, `mal`, `mdb`, or `star`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
    | `rating1_style`          | **Description:** Choose the rating number style for rating1.<br>**Values:** <table class="clearTable"><tr><td>Ten Scale</td><td><code>""</code></td><td><code>8.7</code>, <code>9.0</code></td></tr><tr><td>Ten Scale removing <code>.0</code>  </td><td><code>"#"</code></td><td><code>8.7</code>, <code>9</code></td></tr><tr><td>Hundred Scale</td><td><code>"%"</code></td><td><code>87</code>, <code>90</code></td></tr><tr><td>Five Scale</td><td><code>"/"</code></td><td><code>8.6</code> rating in plex will show as <code>4.3</code> on the overlay</td></tr></table> |
    | `rating1_extra`          | **Description:** Extra text after rating1.<br>**Default:** `%` for `rt_popcorn`, `rt_tomato`, `tmdb`. <br>**Values:** Any Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
    | `rating2`                | **Description:** Choose the rating to display in rating2.<br>**Values:** `critic`, `audience`, or `user`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    | `rating2_image`          | **Description:** Choose the rating image to display in rating2.<br>**Values:** `anidb`, `imdb`, `letterboxd`, `tmdb`, `metacritic`, `rt_popcorn`, `rt_tomato`, `trakt`, `mal`, `mdb`, or `star`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
    | `rating2_style`          | **Description:** Choose the rating number style for rating2.<br>**Values:** <table class="clearTable"><tr><td>Ten Scale</td><td><code>""</code></td><td><code>8.7</code>, <code>9.0</code></td></tr><tr><td>Ten Scale removing <code>.0</code>  </td><td><code>"#"</code></td><td><code>8.7</code>, <code>9</code></td></tr><tr><td>Hundred Scale</td><td><code>"%"</code></td><td><code>87</code>, <code>90</code></td></tr><tr><td>Five Scale</td><td><code>"/"</code></td><td><code>8.6</code> rating in plex will show as <code>4.3</code> on the overlay</td></tr></table> |
    | `rating2_extra`          | **Description:** Extra text after rating2.<br>**Default:** `%` for `rt_popcorn`, `rt_tomato`, `tmdb`. <br>**Values:** Any Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
    | `rating3`                | **Description:** Choose the rating to display in rating3.<br>**Values:** `critic`, `audience`, or `user`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    | `rating3_image`          | **Description:** Choose the rating image to display in rating3.<br>**Values:** `anidb`, `imdb`, `letterboxd`, `tmdb`, `metacritic`, `rt_popcorn`, `rt_tomato`, `trakt`, `mal`, `mdb`, or `star`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
    | `rating3_style`          | **Description:** Choose the rating number style for rating3.<br>**Values:** <table class="clearTable"><tr><td>Ten Scale</td><td><code>""</code></td><td><code>8.7</code>, <code>9.0</code></td></tr><tr><td>Ten Scale removing <code>.0</code>  </td><td><code>"#"</code></td><td><code>8.7</code>, <code>9</code></td></tr><tr><td>Hundred Scale</td><td><code>"%"</code></td><td><code>87</code>, <code>90</code></td></tr><tr><td>Five Scale</td><td><code>"/"</code></td><td><code>8.6</code> rating in plex will show as <code>4.3</code> on the overlay</td></tr></table> |
    | `rating3_extra`          | **Description:** Extra text after rating3.<br>**Default:** `%` for `rt_popcorn`, `rt_tomato`, `tmdb`. <br>**Values:** Any Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
    | `horizontal_position`    | **Description:** Choose the horizontal position for the rating group.<br>**Default:** `left`<br>**Values:** `left`, `right`, or `center`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    | `vertical_position`      | **Description:** Choose the vertical position for the rating group.<br>**Default:** `center`<br>**Values:** `top`, `bottom`, or `center`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    | `rating_alignment`       | **Description:** Choose the display alignment for the rating group.<br>**Default:** `vertical`<br>**Values:** `horizontal`, or `vertical`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
    | `minimum_rating`         | **Description:** Minimum Rating to display<br>**Default:** 0.0<br>**Values:** Any Number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    | `fresh_rating`           | **Description:** Determines when ratings are considered Fresh<br>**Default:** 6.0<br>**Values:** Any Number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
    | `maximum_rating`         | **Description:** Maximum Rating to display<br>**Default:** 10.0<br>**Values:** Any Number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
    | `addon_offset`           | **Description:** Text Addon Image Offset from the text.<br>**Default:** `15`<br>**Values:** Any number greater than 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
    | `rating1_addon_offset`   | **Description:** Text Addon Image Offset from the text.<br>**Default:** `15`<br>**Values:** Any number greater than 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
    | `rating2_addon_offset`   | **Description:** Text Addon Image Offset from the text.<br>**Default:** `15`<br>**Values:** Any number greater than 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
    | `rating3_addon_offset`   | **Description:** Text Addon Image Offset from the text.<br>**Default:** `15`<br>**Values:** Any number greater than 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
    | `addon_position`         | **Description:** Text Addon Image Alignment in relation to the text.<br>**Default:** `top`<br>**Values:** `left`, `right`, `top`, `bottom`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
    | `rating1_addon_position` | **Description:** Text Addon Image Alignment in relation to the text.<br>**Default:** `top`<br>**Values:** `left`, `right`, `top`, `bottom`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
    | `rating2_addon_position` | **Description:** Text Addon Image Alignment in relation to the text.<br>**Default:** `top`<br>**Values:** `left`, `right`, `top`, `bottom`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
    | `rating3_addon_position` | **Description:** Text Addon Image Alignment in relation to the text.<br>**Default:** `top`<br>**Values:** `left`, `right`, `top`, `bottom`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
    | `builder_level`          | **Description:** Choose the Overlay Level.<br>**Values:** `episode`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |

=== "Overlay Template Variables"

    These variables can be prepended with `rating1_`, `rating2_`, or `rating3_` to change that attribute on each 
    rating individually.

       include-markdown "../"

=== "Overlay Text Template Variables"

    These variables can be prepended with `rating1_`, `rating2_`, or `rating3_` to change that attribute on each 
    rating individually.

       include-markdown "../"

???+ example "Example Template Variable Amendments"

The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.

???+ warning

    This example uses fonts not packaged with PMM. See [bullmoose20's 

      - pmm: ratings
          rating1: critic
          rating1_image: imdb
          rating1_font: config/metadata/fonts/Impact.ttf
          rating1_font_size: 70

          rating2: audience
          rating2_image: rt_popcorn
          rating2_font: config/metadata/fonts/Adlib.ttf
          rating2_font_size: 63

          rating3: user
          rating3_image: tmdb
          rating3_font: config/metadata/fonts/Avenir_95_Black.ttf
          rating3_font_size: 70

          horizontal_position: right
      mass_critic_rating_update: imdb
      mass_audience_rating_update: mdb_tomatoesaudience
      mass_user_rating_update: tmdb
  TV Shows:
      - pmm: ratings
          rating1: critic
          rating1_image: imdb
          rating1_font: config/metadata/fonts/Impact.ttf
          rating1_font_size: 70

          rating2: audience
          rating2_image: rt_popcorn
          rating2_font: config/metadata/fonts/Adlib.ttf
          rating2_font_size: 63

          rating3: user
          rating3_image: tmdb
          rating3_font: config/metadata/fonts/Avenir_95_Black.ttf
          rating3_font_size: 70

          horizontal_position: right
      - pmm: ratings
          builder_level: episode
          rating1: critic
          rating1_image: imdb
          rating1_font: config/metadata/fonts/Impact.ttf
          rating1_font_size: 70

          rating2: audience
          rating2_image: tmdb
          rating2_font: config/metadata/fonts/Avenir_95_Black.ttf
          rating2_font_size: 70

          horizontal_position: right
      mass_critic_rating_update: imdb
      mass_audience_rating_update: mdb_tomatoesaudience
      mass_user_rating_update: tmdb
      mass_episode_critic_rating_update: imdb
      mass_episode_audience_rating_update: tmdb