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TV Show Library Metadata

You can have the script edit the metadata of Shows, Seasons, and Episodes by adding them to the metadata mapping of a Metadata File.

An example of multiple metadata edits in a show library is below:

  "Avatar: The Last Airbender":
    sort_title: Avatar 01
        title: "Book One: Water"
        summary: >-
              After a lapse of 100 years, the Avatar-spiritual master of the elements-has returned. And just in
              the nick of time. The Four Nations (Water, Earth, Fire, and Air) have become unbalanced. The Fire
              Nation wants to rule the world, and its first conquest will be the Northern Water Tribe. It's up to
              a 12-year-old Airbender named Aang to find a way to stop it. Join Aang, Katara, Sokka, Momo, and
              Appa as they head north on the adventure of a lifetime.              
            user_rating: 9.1
        title: "Book Two: Earth"
        summary: >-
              Avatar Aang continues his quest to master the four elements before the end of summer. Together with
              Katara, Sokka, Momo, and Appa, he journeys across the Earth Kingdom in search of an Earthbending
              mentor. Along the way, he confronts Princess Azula, treacherous  daughter of Firelord Ozai and
              sister to Prince Zuko. More powerful than her brother, Azula will stop nothing to defeat the Avatar.
              But Aang and the gang find plenty of Earth Kingdom allies to help them along the way. From the swamps
              of the South to the Earth King's palace, Avatar: Book 2 is an adventure like no other.              
        title: "Book Three: Fire"
        summary: >-
              Having survived the terrible battle with Azula, Aang faces new challenges as he and his brave
              friends secretly enter the Fire Nation. Their quest is to find and defeat Firelord Ozai. Along
              the way, they discover that Ozai has plans of his own. The leader of the Fire Nation intends to
              use the massive power of Sozin's comet to spread his dominion permanently across the four nations.
              Short on time, Aang has a lot of bending to learn and no master to help him learn it. However, his
              friends are there to help, and he finds unexpected allies deep in the heart of the Fire Nation. In
              the spectacular four-part conclusion, Aang must fulfill his destiny and become a fully realized
              Avatar, or watch the world go up in smoke.              
            summary: The Epic Series Final of Avatar The Last Airbender
  "Avatar: The Legend of Korra":
        - "Avatar: The Legend of Korra"
        - The Legend of Korra
    sort_title: Avatar 02
    original_title: The Legend of Korra
        title: "Book One: Air"
        title: "Book Two: Spirits"
        title: "Book Three: Change"
        title: "Book Four: Balance"

Matching Shows

The match attribute is used to match shows within Plex to that definition within the Metadata file. One definition can match and edit multiple shows. The available matching options are outlined below.

Attribute Allowed Values
title1 Only matches shows that exactly match the show's Title. Can be a list (only one needs to match).
year Only matches shows that were released in the given year.
mapping_id2 Only matches shows that have the given TVDb or IMDb ID.
  1. When title is not provided and the mapping name was not specified as an ID, the default behaviour is to use the mapping name as title for matching.
  2. When mapping_id is not provided and the mapping name was specified as an ID, the default behaviour is to use the mapping name as mapping_id for matching.


Below are some examples on how shows can be matched.

Example 1 - title and mapping_id

The below example shows how title and mapping_id can be used to match shows.

  show1:                   # Matches via the title "Game of Thrones"
      title: Game of Thrones
  show2:                   # Matches via TVDb ID: 366524
      mapping_id: 366524
  show3:                   # Matches via IMDb ID: tt10234724
      mapping_id: tt10234724
  show4:                   # Matches via the title "24" 
      title: 24

The Mapping Name can also be used to reduce line-count, as shown here:

  Game of Thrones:  # Matches via the Name "Game of Thrones"
  366524:           # Matches via TVDb ID: 366524
  tt10234724:       # Matches via IMDb ID: tt10234724
  "24":             # Matches via the Name "24" 

Note: to search for a show titled with a number from the mapping name you must surround the number in quotes like in the example below. Otherwise, it will look for the show associated with that TVDb ID.

Example 2 - title and year

The below example shows how title and year can be used to match shows.

In this example, there are two shows in the library called "Vikings", so the year attribute is used to identify which show is being matched.

  Vikings (2012):                   # Matches via the title "Vikings" released in 2012
      title: Vikings
      year: 2012
  Vikings (2013):                   # Matches via the title "Vikings" released in 2013
      title: Vikings
      year: 2013

Metadata Edits

The available attributes for editing shows, seasons, and episodes are as follows

Special Attributes

Attribute Description Shows Seasons Episodes
f1_season F1 Season Year to make the Show represent a Season of F1 Races. See Formula 1 Metadata Guide for more information. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
round_prefix Used only with f1_season to add the round as a prefix to the Season (Race) Titles i.e. Australian Grand Prix --> 01 - Australian Grand Prix. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
shorten_gp Used only with f1_season to shorten Grand Prix to GP in the Season (Race) Titles i.e. Australian Grand Prix --> Australian GP. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
seasons Attribute used to edit season metadata. The mapping name is the season number (use 0 for specials) or the season name. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
episodes Attribute used to edit episode metadata. The mapping name is the episode number in that season, the title of the episode, or the Originally Available date in the format MM/DD. :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
run_definition Used to specify if this definition runs.
Multiple can be used for one definition as a list or comma separated string. One false or unmatched library type will cause it to fail.
Values: movie, show, artist, true, false
:fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
update_seasons Used to specify if this definition's seasons metadata will update.
Multiple can be used for one definition as a list or comma separated string. One false will cause it to fail.
Values: true, false
:fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
update_episodes Used to specify if this definition's episodes metadata will update.
Multiple can be used for one definition as a list or comma separated string. One false will cause it to fail.
Values: true, false
:fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }

General Attributes

Attribute Allowed Values Shows Seasons Episodes
title Text to change Title. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
sort_title Text to change Sort Title. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
original_title Text to change Original Title. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
originally_available Date to change Originally Available.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
:fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
content_rating Text to change Content Rating. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
user_rating Number to change User Rating. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
audience_rating Number to change Audience Rating. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
critic_rating Number to change Critic Rating. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
studio Text to change Studio. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
tagline Text to change Tagline. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
summary Text to change Summary. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }

Tag Attributes

You can add .remove to any tag attribute to only remove those tags i.e. genre.remove.

You can add .sync to any tag attribute to sync all tags vs just appending the new ones i.e. genre.sync.

Attribute Allowed Values Shows Seasons Episodes
director List or comma-separated text of each Director Tag. :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
genre List or comma-separated text of each Genre Tag. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
writer List or comma-separated text of each Writer Tag. :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
collection List or comma-separated text of each Collection Tag. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
label List or comma-separated text of each Label Tag. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }

Image Attributes

Attribute Allowed Values Shows Seasons Episodes
url_poster URL of image publicly available on the internet. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
file_poster Path to image in the file system. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
url_background URL of image publicly available on the internet. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
file_background Path to image in the file system. :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }

Advanced Attributes

All these attributes only work with Shows.

Attribute Allowed Values
defaultLibrary default
oldestOldest first
newestNewest first
allAll episodes
5_latest5 latest episodes
3_latest3 latest episodes
latestLatest episodes
past_3Episodes added in the past 3 days
past_7Episodes added in the past 7 days
past_30Episodes added in the past 30 days
dayAfter a day
weekAfter a week
refreshOn next refresh
defaultLibrary default
defaultLibrary default
tmdb_airedThe Movie Database (Aired)
tvdb_airedTheTVDb (Aired)
tvdb_dvdTheTVDb (DVD)
tvdb_absoluteTheTVDb (Absolute)
metadata_language1 default, ar-SA, ca-ES, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, es-MX, et-EE, fa-IR, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-FR, he-IL, hi-IN, hu-HU, id-ID, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, lt-LT, lv-LV, nb-NO, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru-RU, sk-SK, sv-SE, th-TH, tr-TR, uk-UA, vi-VN, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW
defaultLibrary default
  1. Must be using the New Plex TV Agent