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StackEdit Docker server

Run a StackEdit server in a Docker container.

Docker StackEdit

Docker build: Build Status

Stackedit build: Build Status

This image is 581 MB and consumes 340MB-500MB of RAM

It is based on:



Option 1 of 2: Using Docker Compose

  1. Download docker-compose.yml

  2. Optionally edit docker-compose.yml to fit you better

  3. With a terminal, go to the directory containing the file and launch the container in the background with:

    docker-compose up -d

Option 2 of 2: Using Docker only

In a terminal, enter:

docker run -d --name=stackedit --restart=always -p 8080:8080/tcp qmcgaw/stackedit

The container TCP port 8080 is forwarded to the host TCP port 8080


Go to http://localhost:8080


Credits to the developers of StackEdit