@ -1057,6 +1057,7 @@ Utilities for managing game servers.
- [ARRCON](https://github.com/radj307/ARRCON) - Terminal-based RCON client compatible with any game servers using the Source RCON Protocol. `GPL-3.0``C++`
- [ARRCON](https://github.com/radj307/ARRCON) - Terminal-based RCON client compatible with any game servers using the Source RCON Protocol. `GPL-3.0``C++`
- [EasyWI](https://easy-wi.com) - Easy-Wi is a Web-interface that allows you to manage server daemons like gameservers. In addition it provides you with a CMS which includes a fully automated game- and voiceserver lending service. ([Source Code](https://github.com/easy-wi/developer/)) `GPL-3.0``PHP/Bash`
- [EasyWI](https://easy-wi.com) - Easy-Wi is a Web-interface that allows you to manage server daemons like gameservers. In addition it provides you with a CMS which includes a fully automated game- and voiceserver lending service. ([Source Code](https://github.com/easy-wi/developer/)) `GPL-3.0``PHP/Bash`
- [Lancache](https://lancache.net) `⚠` - LAN Party game caching made easy. ([Source Code](https://github.com/lancachenet/monolithic)) `MIT``Docker/Shell`
- [Lancache](https://lancache.net) `⚠` - LAN Party game caching made easy. ([Source Code](https://github.com/lancachenet/monolithic)) `MIT``Docker/Shell`
- [Lodestone](https://github.com/Lodestone-Team/lodestone) - A free, open source server hosting tool for Minecraft and other multiplayers. `AGPL-3.0``Docker/Rust`
- [LinuxGSM](https://linuxgsm.com/) - CLI tool for deployment and management of dedicated game servers on Linux: more than 120 games are supported. ([Source Code](https://github.com/GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM)) `MIT``Shell`
- [LinuxGSM](https://linuxgsm.com/) - CLI tool for deployment and management of dedicated game servers on Linux: more than 120 games are supported. ([Source Code](https://github.com/GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM)) `MIT``Shell`
- [Pterodactyl](https://pterodactyl.io/) - Management panel for game servers, with an intuitive UI for end users. ([Source Code](https://github.com/pterodactyl/panel)) `MIT``PHP`
- [Pterodactyl](https://pterodactyl.io/) - Management panel for game servers, with an intuitive UI for end users. ([Source Code](https://github.com/pterodactyl/panel)) `MIT``PHP`
- [PufferPanel](https://www.pufferpanel.com/) - PufferPanel is an open source game server management panel, designed for both small networks and game server providers. ([Source Code](https://github.com/pufferpanel/pufferpanel)) `Apache-2.0``Go`
- [PufferPanel](https://www.pufferpanel.com/) - PufferPanel is an open source game server management panel, designed for both small networks and game server providers. ([Source Code](https://github.com/pufferpanel/pufferpanel)) `Apache-2.0``Go`