@ -1539,6 +1539,7 @@ A [pastebin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastebin) is a type of online content
- [Sup3rS3cretMes5age](https://github.com/algolia/sup3rS3cretMes5age) - Very simple (to deploy and to use) secret message service using Hashicorp Vault as a secrets storage. `MIT``Go`
- [wantguns/bin](https://github.com/wantguns/bin) - Minimal pastebin for both textual and binary files shipped in a single statically linked binary. ([Demo](https://basedbin.fly.dev)) `GPL-3.0``Rust`
- [Wastebin](https://github.com/matze/wastebin) - Lightweight, minimal and fast pastebin with an SQLite backend. ([Demo](https://bin.bloerg.net)) `MIT``Rust`
- [YABin](https://github.com/Yureien/YABin) - A pastebin that contains plentiful features while remaining simple. Supports optional E2E encryption, a client-side CLI app, syntax highlighting, minimalistic UI, APIs, keyboard shortcuts, and more. It can even be run in serverless environments. ([Demo](https://bin.sohamsen.me/)) `MIT``Nodejs`