@ -542,6 +543,22 @@ See https://staticsitegenerators.net and https://www.staticgen.com
* [WiKiss](http://wikiss.tuxfamily.org/) - un wiki simple à utiliser et déployer.
* [Wikitten](https://github.com/victorstanciu/Wikitten) - Wikitten is a small, fast, PHP wiki, and the perfect place to store your notes, code snippets, ideas, and so on.
*XMPP servers.*
* [ejabberd](http://www.ejabberd.im/) - XMPP instant messaging server written in Erlang/OTP.
* [Metronome IM](http://www.lightwitch.org/metronome) - Fork of Prosody IM.
* [MongooseIM](https://www.erlang-solutions.com/products/mongooseim-massively-scalable-ejabberd-platform) - Fork of ejabberd.
* [Openfire](http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/openfire/) - Real time collaboration (RTC) server.
* [Prosody IM](http://prosody.im/) - XMPP server written in Lua.
* [Tigase](https://projects.tigase.org/projects/tigase-server) - XMPP server implementation in Java.
*XMPP Web Clients*
* [Candy](http://candy-chat.github.io/candy/) - Multi user XMPP client written in Javascript.
* [Kaiwa](http://getkaiwa.com/) - Web based chat client in the style of common paid alternatives.
* [Lets-Chat](http://sdelements.github.io/lets-chat/) - A self hosted chat suite written in Node.