@ -226,6 +226,18 @@ DOM_violation_two_html_root_element = """<!DOCTYPE html>
("//body/p[1]", "Browsers parse this part by fixing it but lxml doesn't and returns two root element node"),
("//body/p[1]", "Browsers parse this part by fixing it but lxml doesn't and returns two root element node"),
def test_trips(html_content, xpath, answer):
def test_trips(html_content, xpath, answer):
# In normal situation, DOM's root element node is only one. So Exception occurs.
with pytest.raises(Exception):
from lxml import etree, html
import elementpath
from elementpath.xpath3 import XPath3Parser
parser = etree.HTMLParser()
tree = html.fromstring(bytes(doc, encoding='utf-8'), parser=parser)
# Error will occur.
r = elementpath.select(tree, path.strip(), namespaces={'re': 'http://exslt.org/regular-expressions'}, parser=XPath3Parser)
html_content = html_tools.xpath_filter(xpath, html_content, append_pretty_line_formatting=True)
html_content = html_tools.xpath_filter(xpath, html_content, append_pretty_line_formatting=True)
assert type(html_content) == str
assert type(html_content) == str
assert answer in html_content
assert answer in html_content