@ -291,7 +291,8 @@ class base_html_playwright(Fetcher):
xpath_element_js = self.xpath_element_js.replace('%ELEMENTS%', visualselector_xpath_selectors)
code = f"""module.exports = async ({{ page, context }}) => {{
var {{ url, execute_js, user_agent, extra_wait_ms, req_headers, include_filters, xpath_element_js, screenshot_quality, proxy_username, proxy_password}} = context;
var {{ url, execute_js, user_agent, extra_wait_ms, req_headers, include_filters, xpath_element_js, screenshot_quality, proxy_username, proxy_password, disk_cache_dir}} = context;
await page.setBypassCSP(true)
await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders(req_headers);
@ -313,6 +314,82 @@ class base_html_playwright(Fetcher):
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
// Very primitive disk cache - USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION
// Run browserless container with -e "FUNCTION_BUILT_INS=[\"fs\",\"crypto\"]"
if ( disk_cache_dir ) {{
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOCAL DISK CACHE ENABLED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
function file_is_expired(file_path) {{
if (!fs.existsSync(dir_path+key)) {{
return true;
var stats = fs.statSync(file_path);
const now_date = new Date();
const expire_seconds = 300;
if ( (now_date/1000) - (stats.mtime.getTime() / 1000) > expire_seconds) {{
console.log("CACHE EXPIRED: "+file_path);
return true;
return false;
page.on('request', async (request) => {{
// if (blockedExtensions.some((str) => req.url().endsWith(str))) return req.abort();
const url = request.url();
const key = crypto.createHash('md5').update(url).digest("hex");
const dir_path = disk_cache_dir + key.slice(0, 1) + '/' + key.slice(1, 2) + '/' + key.slice(2, 3) + '/';
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4482686/check-synchronously-if-file-directory-exists-in-node-js
if (fs.existsSync(dir_path+key)) {{
console.log("Cache exists "+dir_path+key+ " - "+url);
const cached_data = fs.readFileSync(dir_path+key);
status: 200,
//contentType: 'text/html', //@todo
body: cached_data
page.on('response', async (response) => {{
const url = response.url();
// @todo - check response size()
console.log("Cache - Got "+response.request().method()+" - "+url+" - "+response.request().resourceType());
if(response.request().method() != 'GET' || response.request().resourceType() == 'xhr' || response.request().resourceType() == 'document' || response.status() != 200 ) {{
console.log("Skipping- "+url);
const key = crypto.createHash('md5').update(url).digest("hex");
const dir_path = disk_cache_dir + key.slice(0, 1) + '/' + key.slice(1, 2) + '/' + key.slice(2, 3) + '/';
const data = await response.text();
if (!fs.existsSync(dir_path)) {{
fs.mkdirSync(dir_path, {{ recursive: true }})
var expired = false;
if (fs.existsSync(dir_path+key)) {{
if (file_is_expired(dir_path+key)) {{
fs.writeFileSync(dir_path+key, data);
}} else {{
fs.writeFileSync(dir_path+key, data);
const r = await page.goto(url, {{
waitUntil: 'load'
@ -346,6 +423,7 @@ class base_html_playwright(Fetcher):
// May fail on very large pages with 'WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw'
if (!b64s) {{
// @todo after text extract, we can place some overlay text with red background to say 'croppped'
console.error('ERROR: content-fetcher page was maybe too large for a screenshot, reverting to viewport only screenshot');
try {{
b64s = await page.screenshot({{ encoding: "base64", quality: screenshot_quality, type: 'jpeg' }});
@ -396,6 +474,7 @@ class base_html_playwright(Fetcher):
"code": code,
"context": {
'disk_cache_dir': False, # or path to disk cache
'execute_js': self.webdriver_js_execute_code,
'extra_wait_ms': extra_wait_ms,
'include_filters': current_include_filters,