@ -54,29 +54,64 @@ def include_filters(include_filters, html_content, append_pretty_line_formatting
def subtractive_css_selector ( css_selector , html_content ) :
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup ( html_content , " html.parser " )
for item in soup . select ( css_selector ) :
# So that the elements dont shift their index, build a list of elements here which will be pointers to their place in the DOM
elements_to_remove = soup . select ( css_selector )
# Then, remove them in a separate loop
for item in elements_to_remove :
item . decompose ( )
return str ( soup )
def subtractive_xpath_selector ( xpath_selector , html_content ) :
def subtractive_xpath_selector ( selectors : List [ str ] , html_content : str ) - > str :
# Parse the HTML content using lxml
html_tree = etree . HTML ( html_content )
elements_to_remove = html_tree . xpath ( xpath_selector )
# First, collect all elements to remove
elements_to_remove = [ ]
# Iterate over the list of XPath selectors
for selector in selectors :
# Collect elements for each selector
elements_to_remove . extend ( html_tree . xpath ( selector ) )
# Then, remove them in a separate loop
for element in elements_to_remove :
if element . getparent ( ) is not None : # Ensure the element has a parent before removing
element . getparent ( ) . remove ( element )
# Convert the modified HTML tree back to a string
modified_html = etree . tostring ( html_tree , method = " html " ) . decode ( " utf-8 " )
return modified_html
def element_removal ( selectors : List [ str ] , html_content ) :
""" Removes elements that match a list of CSS or xPath selectors. """
""" Removes elements that match a list of CSS or X Path selectors."""
modified_html = html_content
css_selectors = [ ]
xpath_selectors = [ ]
for selector in selectors :
if selector . startswith ( ( ' xpath: ' , ' xpath1: ' , ' // ' ) ) :
# Handle XPath selectors separately
xpath_selector = selector . removeprefix ( ' xpath: ' ) . removeprefix ( ' xpath1: ' )
modified_html = subtractive_ xpath_selector( xpath_selector , modified_html )
xpath_selectors. append ( xpath_selector )
else :
modified_html = subtractive_css_selector ( selector , modified_html )
# Collect CSS selectors as one "hit", see comment in subtractive_css_selector
css_selectors . append ( selector . strip ( ) . strip ( " , " ) )
if xpath_selectors :
modified_html = subtractive_xpath_selector ( xpath_selectors , modified_html )
if css_selectors :
# Remove duplicates, then combine all CSS selectors into one string, separated by commas
# This stops the elements index shifting
unique_selectors = list ( set ( css_selectors ) ) # Ensure uniqueness
combined_css_selector = " , " . join ( unique_selectors )
modified_html = subtractive_css_selector ( combined_css_selector , modified_html )
return modified_html
def elementpath_tostring ( obj ) :