@ -24,6 +24,14 @@
< / fieldset >
< span style = "color:#eee; font-size: 80%;" > < img style = "height: 1em;display:inline-block;" src = "{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='spread-white.svg')}}" / > Tip: You can also add 'shared' watches. < a href = "https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/wiki/Sharing-a-Watch" > More info< / a > < / a > < / span >
< / form >
< form class = "pure-form" action = "{{ url_for('form_watch_list_checkbox_operations') }}" method = "POST" id = "watch-list-form" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "csrf_token" value = "{{ csrf_token() }}" / >
< div id = "checkbox-operations" >
< button class = "pure-button button-secondary button-xsmall" style = "background: #dd4242; font-size: 70%" name = "op" value = "delete" > Delete< / button >
< button class = "pure-button button-secondary button-xsmall" style = "font-size: 70%" name = "op" value = "pause" > Pause< / button >
< button class = "pure-button button-secondary button-xsmall" style = "font-size: 70%" name = "op" value = "unpause" > UnPause< / button >
< / div >
< div >
< a href = "{{url_for('index')}}" class = "pure-button button-tag {{'active' if not active_tag }}" > All< / a >
{% for tag in tags %}
@ -41,7 +49,7 @@
< table class = "pure-table pure-table-striped watch-table" >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > #< / th >
< th > < input style = "vertical-align: middle" type = "checkbox" id = "check-all" / > #< / th >
< th > < / th >
{% set link_order = "desc" if sort_order else "asc" %}
{% set arrow_span = "" %}
@ -66,7 +74,7 @@
{% if watch.paused is defined and watch.paused != False %}paused{% endif %}
{% if watch.newest_history_key| int > watch.last_viewed and watch.history_n>=2 %}unviewed{% endif %}
{% if watch.uuid in queued_uuids %}queued{% endif %}">
< td class = "inline "> {{ loop.index }}< / td >
< td class = "inline checkbox-uuid " > < input name = "uuids" type = "checkbox" value = "{{ watch.uuid}} " / > < span > {{ loop.index }}< / span > < / td >
< td class = "inline watch-controls" >
< a class = "state-{{'on' if watch.paused }}" href = "{{url_for('index', op='pause', uuid=watch.uuid, tag=active_tag)}}" > < img src = "{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='pause.svg')}}" alt = "Pause checks" title = "Pause checks" / > < / a >
< a class = "state-{{'on' if watch.notification_muted}}" href = "{{url_for('index', op='mute', uuid=watch.uuid, tag=active_tag)}}" > < img src = "{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='bell-off.svg')}}" alt = "Mute notifications" title = "Mute notifications" / > < / a >
@ -129,5 +137,6 @@
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
{% endblock %}