@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ def test_visual_selector_content_ready(client, live_server):
assert os . getenv ( ' PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL ' ) , " Needs PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL set for this test "
# Add our URL to the import page, because the docker container (playwright/selenium) wont be able to connect to our usual test url
test_url = " https://changedetection.io/ci-test/test-runjs.html "
test_url = url_for ( ' test_interactive_html_endpoint ' , _external = True )
test_url = test_url . replace ( ' localhost.localdomain ' , ' cdio ' )
test_url = test_url . replace ( ' localhost ' , ' cdio ' )
res = client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
@ -37,7 +39,9 @@ def test_visual_selector_content_ready(client, live_server):
assert b " unpaused " in res . data
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
uuid = extract_UUID_from_client ( client )
assert live_server . app . config [ ' DATASTORE ' ] . data [ ' watching ' ] [ uuid ] . history_n > = 1 , " Watch history had atleast 1 (everything fetched OK) "
# Check the JS execute code before extract worked
res = client . get (
@ -74,11 +78,13 @@ def test_visual_selector_content_ready(client, live_server):
def test_basic_browserstep ( client , live_server ) :
assert os . getenv ( ' PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL ' ) , " Needs PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL set for this test "
# Add our URL to the import page, because the docker container (playwright/selenium) wont be able to connect to our usual test url
test_url = " https://changedetection.io/ci-test/test-runjs.html "
assert os . getenv ( ' PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL ' ) , " Needs PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL set for this test "
test_url = url_for ( ' test_interactive_html_endpoint ' , _external = True )
test_url = test_url . replace ( ' localhost.localdomain ' , ' cdio ' )
test_url = test_url . replace ( ' localhost ' , ' cdio ' )
res = client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
@ -97,7 +103,8 @@ def test_basic_browserstep(client, live_server):
' browser_steps-1-operation ' : ' Click element ' ,
' browser_steps-1-selector ' : ' button[name=test-button] ' ,
' browser_steps-1-optional_value ' : ' ' ,
' headers ' : " cOoKiE: notice-apa=1; test-value=1; "
# For now, cookies doesnt work in headers because it must be a full cookiejar object
' headers ' : " testheader: yes \b user-agent: MyCustomAgent " ,
} ,
follow_redirects = True
@ -105,6 +112,9 @@ def test_basic_browserstep(client, live_server):
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
uuid = extract_UUID_from_client ( client )
assert live_server . app . config [ ' DATASTORE ' ] . data [ ' watching ' ] [ uuid ] . history_n > = 1 , " Watch history had atleast 1 (everything fetched OK) "
assert b " This text should be removed " not in res . data
# Check HTML conversion detected and workd
res = client . get (
@ -113,16 +123,20 @@ def test_basic_browserstep(client, live_server):
assert b " This text should be removed " not in res . data
assert b " I smell JavaScript because the button was pressed " in res . data
# The JS on the page will set this if the cookie (and thus headers) was handled
assert b " test-value in headers found " in res . data
assert b " testheader: yes " in res . data
assert b " user-agent: mycustomagent " in res . data
four_o_four_url = url_for ( ' test_endpoint ' , status_code = 404 , _external = True )
four_o_four_url = four_o_four_url . replace ( ' localhost.localdomain ' , ' cdio ' )
four_o_four_url = four_o_four_url . replace ( ' localhost ' , ' cdio ' )
# now test for 404 errors
res = client . post (
url_for ( " edit_page " , uuid = uuid , unpause_on_save = 1 ) ,
data = {
" url " : " https://changedetection.io/404 " ,
" url " : four_o_four_url ,
" tags " : " " ,
" headers " : " " ,
' fetch_backend ' : " html_webdriver " ,
' browser_steps-0-operation ' : ' Goto site ' ,
' browser_steps-1-operation ' : ' Click element ' ,