@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ from flask_wtf import CSRFProtect
from changedetectionio import html_tools
from changedetectionio . api import api_v1
__version__ = ' 0.39.17. 1 '
__version__ = ' 0.39.17. 2 '
datastore = None
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ticker_thread = None
extra_stylesheets = [ ]
update_q = queue . Queue( )
update_q = queue . Priority Queue( )
notification_q = queue . Queue ( )
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ app.config['LOGIN_DISABLED'] = False
# Disables caching of the templates
app . config [ ' TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD ' ] = True
app . jinja_env . add_extension ( ' jinja2.ext.loopcontrols ' )
csrf = CSRFProtect ( )
csrf . init_app ( app )
@ -115,18 +115,19 @@ def _jinja2_filter_datetime(watch_obj, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
return timeago . format ( int ( watch_obj [ ' last_checked ' ] ) , time . time ( ) )
# @app.context_processor
# def timeago():
# def _timeago(lower_time, now):
# return timeago.format(lower_time, now)
# return dict(timeago=_timeago)
@app.template_filter ( ' format_timestamp_timeago ' )
def _jinja2_filter_datetimestamp ( timestamp , format = " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) :
if timestamp == False :
return ' Not yet '
return timeago . format ( timestamp , time . time ( ) )
# return timeago.format(timestamp, time.time())
# return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(format)
@app.template_filter ( ' format_seconds_ago ' )
def _jinja2_filter_seconds_precise ( timestamp ) :
if timestamp == False :
return ' Not yet '
return format ( int ( time . time ( ) - timestamp ) , ' ,d ' )
# When nobody is logged in Flask-Login's current_user is set to an AnonymousUser object.
class User ( flask_login . UserMixin ) :
@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
watch [ ' uuid ' ] = uuid
sorted_watches . append ( watch )
sorted_watches . sort ( key = lambda x : x [ ' last_changed ' ] , reverse = Tru e)
sorted_watches . sort ( key = lambda x : x . last_changed , reverse = Fals e)
fg = FeedGenerator ( )
fg . title ( ' changedetection.io ' )
@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
if not watch . viewed :
# Re #239 - GUID needs to be individual for each event
# @todo In the future make this a configurable link back (see work on BASE_URL https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/pull/228)
guid = " {} / {} " . format ( watch [ ' uuid ' ] , watch [ ' last_changed ' ] )
guid = " {} / {} " . format ( watch [ ' uuid ' ] , watch . last_changed )
fe = fg . add_entry ( )
# Include a link to the diff page, they will have to login here to see if password protection is enabled.
@ -370,20 +371,20 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
from changedetectionio import forms
limit_tag = request . args . get ( ' tag ' )
pause_uuid = request . args . get ( ' pause ' )
# Redirect for the old rss path which used the /?rss=true
if request . args . get ( ' rss ' ) :
return redirect ( url_for ( ' rss ' , tag = limit_tag ) )
if pause_uuid :
try :
datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] [ pause_uuid ] [ ' paused ' ] ^ = True
datastore . needs_write = True
op = request . args . get ( ' op ' )
if op :
uuid = request . args . get ( ' uuid ' )
if op == ' pause ' :
datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] [ uuid ] [ ' paused ' ] ^ = True
elif op == ' mute ' :
datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] [ uuid ] [ ' notification_muted ' ] ^ = True
datastore . needs_write = True
return redirect ( url_for ( ' index ' , tag = limit_tag ) )
except KeyError :
# Sort by last_changed and add the uuid which is usually the key..
sorted_watches = [ ]
@ -406,7 +407,6 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
existing_tags = datastore . get_all_tags ( )
form = forms . quickWatchForm ( request . form )
output = render_template ( " watch-overview.html " ,
form = form ,
watches = sorted_watches ,
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# Don't link to hosting when we're on the hosting environment
hosted_sticky = os . getenv ( " SALTED_PASS " , False ) == False ,
guid = datastore . data [ ' app_guid ' ] ,
queued_uuids = update_q . queue )
queued_uuids = [ uuid for p , uuid in update_q . queue ] )
if session . get ( ' share-link ' ) :
@ -631,17 +631,13 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# But in the case something is added we should save straight away
datastore . needs_write_urgent = True
# Queue the watch for immediate recheck
update_q . put ( uuid )
# Queue the watch for immediate recheck , with a higher priority
update_q . put ( ( 1 , uuid ) )
# Diff page [edit] link should go back to diff page
if request . args . get ( " next " ) and request . args . get ( " next " ) == ' diff ' and not form . save_and_preview_button . data :
if request . args . get ( " next " ) and request . args . get ( " next " ) == ' diff ' :
return redirect ( url_for ( ' diff_history_page ' , uuid = uuid ) )
else :
if form . save_and_preview_button . data :
flash ( ' You may need to reload this page to see the new content. ' )
return redirect ( url_for ( ' preview_page ' , uuid = uuid ) )
else :
return redirect ( url_for ( ' index ' ) )
else :
@ -708,7 +704,14 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
return redirect ( url_for ( ' settings_page ' ) )
if form . validate ( ) :
datastore . data [ ' settings ' ] [ ' application ' ] . update ( form . data [ ' application ' ] )
# Don't set password to False when a password is set - should be only removed with the `removepassword` button
app_update = dict ( deepcopy ( form . data [ ' application ' ] ) )
# Never update password with '' or False (Added by wtforms when not in submission)
if ' password ' in app_update and not app_update [ ' password ' ] :
del ( app_update [ ' password ' ] )
datastore . data [ ' settings ' ] [ ' application ' ] . update ( app_update )
datastore . data [ ' settings ' ] [ ' requests ' ] . update ( form . data [ ' requests ' ] )
if not os . getenv ( " SALTED_PASS " , False ) and len ( form . application . form . password . encrypted_password ) :
@ -746,7 +749,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
importer = import_url_list ( )
importer . run ( data = request . values . get ( ' urls ' ) , flash = flash , datastore = datastore )
for uuid in importer . new_uuids :
update_q . put ( uuid )
update_q . put ( ( 1 , uuid ) )
if len ( importer . remaining_data ) == 0 :
return redirect ( url_for ( ' index ' ) )
@ -759,7 +762,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
d_importer = import_distill_io_json ( )
d_importer . run ( data = request . values . get ( ' distill-io ' ) , flash = flash , datastore = datastore )
for uuid in d_importer . new_uuids :
update_q . put ( uuid )
update_q . put ( ( 1 , uuid ) )
@ -828,7 +831,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
previous_version_file_contents = " Unable to read {} . \n " . format ( previous_file )
screenshot_url = datastore. get_screenshot ( uuid )
screenshot_url = watch. get_screenshot ( )
system_uses_webdriver = datastore . data [ ' settings ' ] [ ' application ' ] [ ' fetch_backend ' ] == ' html_webdriver '
@ -848,7 +851,11 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
extra_title = " - Diff - {} " . format ( watch [ ' title ' ] if watch [ ' title ' ] else watch [ ' url ' ] ) ,
left_sticky = True ,
screenshot = screenshot_url ,
is_html_webdriver = is_html_webdriver )
is_html_webdriver = is_html_webdriver ,
last_error = watch [ ' last_error ' ] ,
last_error_text = watch . get_error_text ( ) ,
last_error_screenshot = watch . get_error_snapshot ( )
return output
@ -863,23 +870,37 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
if uuid == ' first ' :
uuid = list ( datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] . keys ( ) ) . pop ( )
# Normally you would never reach this, because the 'preview' button is not available when there's no history
# However they may try to clear snapshots and reload the page
if datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] [ uuid ] . history_n == 0 :
flash ( " Preview unavailable - No fetch/check completed or triggers not reached " , " error " )
return redirect ( url_for ( ' index ' ) )
extra_stylesheets = [ url_for ( ' static_content ' , group = ' styles ' , filename = ' diff.css ' ) ]
try :
watch = datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] [ uuid ]
except KeyError :
flash ( " No history found for the specified link, bad link? " , " error " )
return redirect ( url_for ( ' index ' ) )
if watch . history_n > 0 :
timestamps = sorted ( watch . history . keys ( ) , key = lambda x : int ( x ) )
filename = watch . history [ timestamps [ - 1 ] ]
system_uses_webdriver = datastore . data [ ' settings ' ] [ ' application ' ] [ ' fetch_backend ' ] == ' html_webdriver '
extra_stylesheets = [ url_for ( ' static_content ' , group = ' styles ' , filename = ' diff.css ' ) ]
is_html_webdriver = True if watch . get ( ' fetch_backend ' ) == ' html_webdriver ' or (
watch . get ( ' fetch_backend ' , None ) is None and system_uses_webdriver ) else False
# Never requested successfully, but we detected a fetch error
if datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] [ uuid ] . history_n == 0 and ( watch . get_error_text ( ) or watch . get_error_snapshot ( ) ) :
flash ( " Preview unavailable - No fetch/check completed or triggers not reached " , " error " )
output = render_template ( " preview.html " ,
content = content ,
history_n = watch . history_n ,
extra_stylesheets = extra_stylesheets ,
# current_diff_url=watch['url'],
watch = watch ,
uuid = uuid ,
is_html_webdriver = is_html_webdriver ,
last_error = watch [ ' last_error ' ] ,
last_error_text = watch . get_error_text ( ) ,
last_error_screenshot = watch . get_error_snapshot ( ) )
return output
timestamp = list ( watch . history . keys ( ) ) [ - 1 ]
filename = watch . history [ timestamp ]
try :
with open ( filename , ' r ' ) as f :
tmp = f . readlines ( )
@ -908,28 +929,23 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
classes . append ( ' triggered ' )
content . append ( { ' line ' : l , ' classes ' : ' ' . join ( classes ) } )
except Exception as e :
content . append ( { ' line ' : " File doesnt exist or unable to read file {} " . format ( filename ) , ' classes ' : ' ' } )
else :
content . append ( { ' line ' : " No history found " , ' classes ' : ' ' } )
screenshot_url = datastore . get_screenshot ( uuid )
system_uses_webdriver = datastore . data [ ' settings ' ] [ ' application ' ] [ ' fetch_backend ' ] == ' html_webdriver '
is_html_webdriver = True if watch . get ( ' fetch_backend ' ) == ' html_webdriver ' or (
watch . get ( ' fetch_backend ' , None ) is None and system_uses_webdriver ) else False
output = render_template ( " preview.html " ,
content = content ,
history_n = watch . history_n ,
extra_stylesheets = extra_stylesheets ,
ignored_line_numbers = ignored_line_numbers ,
triggered_line_numbers = trigger_line_numbers ,
current_diff_url = watch [ ' url ' ] ,
screenshot = screenshot_url ,
screenshot = watch. get_screenshot ( ) ,
watch = watch ,
uuid = uuid ,
is_html_webdriver = is_html_webdriver )
is_html_webdriver = is_html_webdriver ,
last_error = watch [ ' last_error ' ] ,
last_error_text = watch . get_error_text ( ) ,
last_error_screenshot = watch . get_error_snapshot ( ) )
return output
@ -1029,11 +1045,12 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
if datastore . data [ ' settings ' ] [ ' application ' ] [ ' password ' ] and not flask_login . current_user . is_authenticated :
abort ( 403 )
screenshot_filename = " last-screenshot.png " if not request . args . get ( ' error_screenshot ' ) else " last-error-screenshot.png "
# These files should be in our subdirectory
try :
# set nocache, set content-type
watch_dir = datastore_o . datastore_path + " / " + filename
response = make_response ( send_from_directory ( filename = " last-screenshot.png " , directory = watch_dir , path = watch_dir + " /last-screenshot.png " ) )
response = make_response ( send_from_directory ( os . path . join ( datastore_o . datastore_path , filename ) , screenshot_filename ) )
response . headers [ ' Content-type ' ] = ' image/png '
response . headers [ ' Cache-Control ' ] = ' no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate '
response . headers [ ' Pragma ' ] = ' no-cache '
@ -1090,7 +1107,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
if not add_paused and new_uuid :
# Straight into the queue.
update_q . put ( new_uuid )
update_q . put ( ( 1 , new_uuid ) )
flash ( " Watch added. " )
if add_paused :
@ -1127,7 +1144,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
uuid = list ( datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] . keys ( ) ) . pop ( )
new_uuid = datastore . clone ( uuid )
update_q . put ( new_uuid )
update_q . put ( ( 5 , new_uuid ) )
flash ( ' Cloned. ' )
return redirect ( url_for ( ' index ' ) )
@ -1148,7 +1165,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
if uuid :
if uuid not in running_uuids :
update_q . put ( uuid )
update_q . put ( ( 1 , uuid ) )
i = 1
elif tag != None :
@ -1156,7 +1173,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
for watch_uuid , watch in datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] . items ( ) :
if ( tag != None and tag in watch [ ' tag ' ] ) :
if watch_uuid not in running_uuids and not datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] [ watch_uuid ] [ ' paused ' ] :
update_q . put ( watch_uuid )
update_q . put ( ( 1 , watch_uuid ) )
i + = 1
else :
@ -1164,7 +1181,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
for watch_uuid , watch in datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] . items ( ) :
if watch_uuid not in running_uuids and not datastore . data [ ' watching ' ] [ watch_uuid ] [ ' paused ' ] :
update_q . put ( watch_uuid )
update_q . put ( ( 1 , watch_uuid ) )
i + = 1
flash ( " {} watches are queued for rechecking. " . format ( i ) )
return redirect ( url_for ( ' index ' , tag = tag ) )
@ -1266,7 +1283,6 @@ def notification_runner():
global notification_debug_log
from datetime import datetime
import json
while not app . config . exit . is_set ( ) :
try :
# At the moment only one thread runs (single runner)
@ -1368,14 +1384,14 @@ def ticker_thread_check_time_launch_checks():
seconds_since_last_recheck = now - watch [ ' last_checked ' ]
if seconds_since_last_recheck > = ( threshold + watch . jitter_seconds ) and seconds_since_last_recheck > = recheck_time_minimum_seconds :
if not uuid in running_uuids and uuid not in update_q . queue :
print ( " Queued watch UUID {} last checked at {} queued at {:0.2f} jitter {:0.2f} s, {:0.2f} s since last checked " . format ( uuid ,
if not uuid in running_uuids and uuid not in [ q_uuid for p , q_uuid in update_q . queue ] :
print ( " > Queued watch UUID {} last checked at {} queued at {:0.2f} jitter {:0.2f} s, {:0.2f} s since last checked " . format ( uuid ,
watch [ ' last_checked ' ] ,
now ,
watch . jitter_seconds ,
now - watch [ ' last_checked ' ] ) )
# Into the queue with you
update_q . put ( uuid )
update_q . put ( ( 5 , uuid ) )
# Reset for next time
watch . jitter_seconds = 0