Re #2014 - When any of a list of notifications fails, the others should still work

dgtlmoon 1 year ago
parent 8be0029260
commit feb26bf03a

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import apprise
import time
from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader
from apprise import NotifyFormat
import json
@ -131,90 +132,94 @@ def process_notification(n_object, datastore):
# Initially text or whatever
n_format =['settings']['application'].get('notification_format', valid_notification_formats[default_notification_format])
# Anything higher than or equal to WARNING (which covers things like Connection errors)
# raise it as an exception
sent_objs = []
from .apprise_asset import asset
for url in n_object['notification_urls']:
url = jinja2_env.from_string(url).render(**notification_parameters)
apobj = apprise.Apprise(debug=True, asset=asset)
url = url.strip()
if len(url):
apobj = apprise.Apprise(debug=True, asset=asset)
if not n_object.get('notification_urls'):
return None
with apprise.LogCapture(level=apprise.logging.DEBUG) as logs:
for url in n_object['notification_urls']:
url = url.strip()
print(">> Process Notification: AppRise notifying {}".format(url))
with apprise.LogCapture(level=apprise.logging.DEBUG) as logs:
# Re 323 - Limit discord length to their 2000 char limit total or it wont send.
# Because different notifications may require different pre-processing, run each sequentially :(
# 2000 bytes minus -
# 200 bytes for the overhead of the _entire_ json payload, 200 bytes for {tts, wait, content} etc headers
# Length of URL - Incase they specify a longer custom avatar_url
# So if no avatar_url is specified, add one so it can be correctly calculated into the total payload
k = '?' if not '?' in url else '&'
if not 'avatar_url' in url \
and not url.startswith('mail') \
and not url.startswith('post') \
and not url.startswith('get') \
and not url.startswith('delete') \
and not url.startswith('put'):
url += k + 'avatar_url='
if url.startswith('tgram://'):
# Telegram only supports a limit subset of HTML, remove the '<br>' we place in.
# re
# @todo re-use an existing library we have already imported to strip all non-allowed tags
n_body = n_body.replace('<br>', '\n')
n_body = n_body.replace('</br>', '\n')
# real limit is 4096, but minus some for extra metadata
payload_max_size = 3600
body_limit = max(0, payload_max_size - len(n_title))
n_title = n_title[0:payload_max_size]
n_body = n_body[0:body_limit]
elif url.startswith('discord://') or url.startswith('') or url.startswith(''):
# real limit is 2000, but minus some for extra metadata
payload_max_size = 1700
body_limit = max(0, payload_max_size - len(n_title))
n_title = n_title[0:payload_max_size]
n_body = n_body[0:body_limit]
elif url.startswith('mailto'):
# Apprise will default to HTML, so we need to override it
# So that whats' generated in n_body is in line with what is going to be sent.
if not 'format=' in url and (n_format == 'Text' or n_format == 'Markdown'):
prefix = '?' if not '?' in url else '&'
# Apprise format is lowercase text
n_format = n_format.lower()
url = f"{url}{prefix}format={n_format}"
# If n_format == HTML, then apprise email should default to text/html and we should be sending HTML only
# False is not an option for AppRise, must be type None
attach=n_object.get('screenshot', None)
# Incase it needs to exist in memory for a while after to process(?)
# Returns empty string if nothing found, multi-line string otherwise
log_value = logs.getvalue()
if log_value and 'WARNING' in log_value or 'ERROR' in log_value:
raise Exception(log_value)
sent_objs.append({'title': n_title,
'body': n_body,
'url' : url,
'body_format': n_format})
url = jinja2_env.from_string(url).render(**notification_parameters)
# Re 323 - Limit discord length to their 2000 char limit total or it wont send.
# Because different notifications may require different pre-processing, run each sequentially :(
# 2000 bytes minus -
# 200 bytes for the overhead of the _entire_ json payload, 200 bytes for {tts, wait, content} etc headers
# Length of URL - Incase they specify a longer custom avatar_url
# So if no avatar_url is specified, add one so it can be correctly calculated into the total payload
k = '?' if not '?' in url else '&'
if not 'avatar_url' in url \
and not url.startswith('mail') \
and not url.startswith('post') \
and not url.startswith('get') \
and not url.startswith('delete') \
and not url.startswith('put'):
url += k + 'avatar_url='
if url.startswith('tgram://'):
# Telegram only supports a limit subset of HTML, remove the '<br>' we place in.
# re
# @todo re-use an existing library we have already imported to strip all non-allowed tags
n_body = n_body.replace('<br>', '\n')
n_body = n_body.replace('</br>', '\n')
# real limit is 4096, but minus some for extra metadata
payload_max_size = 3600
body_limit = max(0, payload_max_size - len(n_title))
n_title = n_title[0:payload_max_size]
n_body = n_body[0:body_limit]
elif url.startswith('discord://') or url.startswith('') or url.startswith(
# real limit is 2000, but minus some for extra metadata
payload_max_size = 1700
body_limit = max(0, payload_max_size - len(n_title))
n_title = n_title[0:payload_max_size]
n_body = n_body[0:body_limit]
elif url.startswith('mailto'):
# Apprise will default to HTML, so we need to override it
# So that whats' generated in n_body is in line with what is going to be sent.
if not 'format=' in url and (n_format == 'Text' or n_format == 'Markdown'):
prefix = '?' if not '?' in url else '&'
# Apprise format is lowercase text
n_format = n_format.lower()
url = f"{url}{prefix}format={n_format}"
# If n_format == HTML, then apprise email should default to text/html and we should be sending HTML only
sent_objs.append({'title': n_title,
'body': n_body,
'url': url,
'body_format': n_format})
# Blast off the notifications tht are set in .add()
# False is not an option for AppRise, must be type None
attach=n_object.get('screenshot', None)
# Give apprise time to register an error
# Returns empty string if nothing found, multi-line string otherwise
log_value = logs.getvalue()
if log_value and 'WARNING' in log_value or 'ERROR' in log_value:
raise Exception(log_value)
# Return what was sent for better logging - after the for loop
return sent_objs

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import os
import time
import re
from flask import url_for
from . util import set_original_response, set_modified_response, live_server_setup
from .util import set_original_response, set_modified_response, live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
import logging
def test_check_notification_error_handling(client, live_server):
@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ def test_check_notification_error_handling(client, live_server):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
# Set a URL and fetch it, then set a notification URL which is going to give errors
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
@ -22,12 +21,16 @@ def test_check_notification_error_handling(client, live_server):
assert b"Watch added" in
working_notification_url = url_for('test_notification_endpoint', _external=True).replace('http', 'json')
broken_notification_url = "jsons://broken-url-xxxxxxxx123/test"
res =
url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"),
data={"notification_urls": "jsons://broken-url-xxxxxxxx123/test",
# A URL with errors should not block the one that is working
data={"notification_urls": f"{broken_notification_url}\r\n{working_notification_url}",
"notification_title": "xxx",
"notification_body": "xxxxx",
"notification_format": "Text",
@ -63,4 +66,10 @@ def test_check_notification_error_handling(client, live_server):
found_name_resolution_error = b"Temporary failure in name resolution" in or b"Name or service not known" in
assert found_name_resolution_error
# And the working one, which is after the 'broken' one should still have fired
with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", "r") as f:
notification_submission =
assert 'xxxxx' in notification_submission
client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
