const fs = require ( "fs" ) ;
const { R } = require ( "redbean-node" ) ;
const { setSetting , setting } = require ( "./util-server" ) ;
const { log , sleep } = require ( "../src/util" ) ;
const knex = require ( "knex" ) ;
const path = require ( "path" ) ;
const { EmbeddedMariaDB } = require ( "./embedded-mariadb" ) ;
const mysql = require ( "mysql2/promise" ) ;
/ * *
* Database & App Data Folder
* /
class Database {
/ * *
* Boostrap database for SQLite
* @ type { string }
* /
static templatePath = "./db/kuma.db" ;
/ * *
* Data Dir ( Default : . / data )
* @ type { string }
* /
static dataDir ;
/ * *
* User Upload Dir ( Default : . / data / upload )
* @ type { string }
* /
static uploadDir ;
/ * *
* Chrome Screenshot Dir ( Default : . / data / screenshots )
* @ type { string }
* /
static screenshotDir ;
/ * *
* SQLite file path ( Default : . / data / kuma . db )
* @ type { string }
* /
static sqlitePath ;
/ * *
* For storing Docker TLS certs ( Default : . / data / docker - tls )
* @ type { string }
* /
static dockerTLSDir ;
/ * *
* @ type { boolean }
* /
static patched = false ;
/ * *
* SQLite only
* Add patch filename in key
* Values :
* true : Add it regardless of order
* false : Do nothing
* { parents : [ ] } : Need parents before add it
* @ deprecated
* /
static patchList = {
"patch-setting-value-type.sql" : true ,
"patch-improve-performance.sql" : true ,
"patch-2fa.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-retry-interval-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-incident-table.sql" : true ,
"patch-group-table.sql" : true ,
"patch-monitor-push_token.sql" : true ,
"patch-http-monitor-method-body-and-headers.sql" : true ,
"patch-2fa-invalidate-used-token.sql" : true ,
"patch-notification_sent_history.sql" : true ,
"patch-monitor-basic-auth.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-docker-columns.sql" : true ,
"patch-status-page.sql" : true ,
"patch-proxy.sql" : true ,
"patch-monitor-expiry-notification.sql" : true ,
"patch-status-page-footer-css.sql" : true ,
"patch-added-mqtt-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-clickable-status-page-link.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-sqlserver-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-other-auth.sql" : { parents : [ "patch-monitor-basic-auth.sql" ] } ,
"patch-grpc-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-radius-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-monitor-add-resend-interval.sql" : true ,
"patch-ping-packet-size.sql" : true ,
"patch-maintenance-table2.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-gamedig-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-google-analytics-status-page-tag.sql" : true ,
"patch-http-body-encoding.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-description-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-api-key-table.sql" : true ,
"patch-monitor-tls.sql" : true ,
"patch-maintenance-cron.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-parent-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-invert-keyword.sql" : true ,
"patch-added-json-query.sql" : true ,
"patch-added-kafka-producer.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-certificate-expiry-status-page.sql" : true ,
"patch-monitor-oauth-cc.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-timeout-monitor.sql" : true ,
"patch-add-gamedig-given-port.sql" : true ,
"patch-notification-config.sql" : true ,
"patch-fix-kafka-producer-booleans.sql" : true ,
"patch-timeout.sql" : true ,
"patch-monitor-tls-info-add-fk.sql" : true , // The last file so far converted to a knex migration file
} ;
/ * *
* The final version should be 10 after merged tag feature
* @ deprecated Use patchList for any new feature
* /
static latestVersion = 10 ;
static noReject = true ;
static dbConfig = { } ;
static knexMigrationsPath = "./db/knex_migrations" ;
/ * *
* Initialize the data directory
* @ param { object } args Arguments to initialize DB with
* @ returns { void }
* /
static initDataDir ( args ) {
// Data Directory (must be end with "/")
Database . dataDir = process . env . DATA _DIR || args [ "data-dir" ] || "./data/" ;
Database . sqlitePath = path . join ( Database . dataDir , "kuma.db" ) ;
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( Database . dataDir ) ) {
fs . mkdirSync ( Database . dataDir , { recursive : true } ) ;
Database . uploadDir = path . join ( Database . dataDir , "upload/" ) ;
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( Database . uploadDir ) ) {
fs . mkdirSync ( Database . uploadDir , { recursive : true } ) ;
// Create screenshot dir
Database . screenshotDir = path . join ( Database . dataDir , "screenshots/" ) ;
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( Database . screenshotDir ) ) {
fs . mkdirSync ( Database . screenshotDir , { recursive : true } ) ;
Database . dockerTLSDir = path . join ( Database . dataDir , "docker-tls/" ) ;
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( Database . dockerTLSDir ) ) {
fs . mkdirSync ( Database . dockerTLSDir , { recursive : true } ) ;
log . info ( "server" , ` Data Dir: ${ Database . dataDir } ` ) ;
/ * *
* Read the database config
* @ throws { Error } If the config is invalid
* @ typedef { string | undefined } envString
* @ returns { { type : "sqlite" } | { type : envString , hostname : envString , port : envString , database : envString , username : envString , password : envString } } Database config
* /
static readDBConfig ( ) {
let dbConfig ;
let dbConfigString = fs . readFileSync ( path . join ( Database . dataDir , "db-config.json" ) ) . toString ( "utf-8" ) ;
dbConfig = JSON . parse ( dbConfigString ) ;
if ( typeof dbConfig !== "object" ) {
throw new Error ( "Invalid db-config.json, it must be an object" ) ;
if ( typeof dbConfig . type !== "string" ) {
throw new Error ( "Invalid db-config.json, type must be a string" ) ;
return dbConfig ;
/ * *
* @ typedef { string | undefined } envString
* @ param { { type : "sqlite" } | { type : envString , hostname : envString , port : envString , database : envString , username : envString , password : envString } } dbConfig the database configuration that should be written
* @ returns { void }
* /
static writeDBConfig ( dbConfig ) {
fs . writeFileSync ( path . join ( Database . dataDir , "db-config.json" ) , JSON . stringify ( dbConfig , null , 4 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Connect to the database
* @ param { boolean } testMode Should the connection be started in test mode ?
* @ param { boolean } autoloadModels Should models be automatically loaded ?
* @ param { boolean } noLog Should logs not be output ?
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async connect ( testMode = false , autoloadModels = true , noLog = false ) {
const acquireConnectionTimeout = 120 * 1000 ;
let dbConfig ;
try {
dbConfig = this . readDBConfig ( ) ;
Database . dbConfig = dbConfig ;
} catch ( err ) {
log . warn ( "db" , err . message ) ;
dbConfig = {
type : "sqlite" ,
} ;
let config = { } ;
let mariadbPoolConfig = {
min : 0 ,
max : 10 ,
idleTimeoutMillis : 30000 ,
} ;
log . info ( "db" , ` Database Type: ${ dbConfig . type } ` ) ;
if ( dbConfig . type === "sqlite" ) {
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( Database . sqlitePath ) ) {
log . info ( "server" , "Copying Database" ) ;
fs . copyFileSync ( Database . templatePath , Database . sqlitePath ) ;
// Check if Database.sqlitePath is on NFS
if ( fs . existsSync ( Database . sqlitePath ) ) {
let stats = fs . statSync ( Database . sqlitePath ) ;
log . debug ( "server" , "SQLite database inode: " + stats . ino ) ;
if ( stats . ino === 0 ) {
log . error ( "server" , "It seems that the database is on a network drive (NFS). Uptime Kuma will be UNSTABLE and the database will be CORRUPTED. Please use a local disk." ) ;
const Dialect = require ( "knex/lib/dialects/sqlite3/index.js" ) ;
Dialect . prototype . _driver = ( ) => require ( "@louislam/sqlite3" ) ;
config = {
client : Dialect ,
connection : {
filename : Database . sqlitePath ,
acquireConnectionTimeout : acquireConnectionTimeout ,
} ,
useNullAsDefault : true ,
pool : {
min : 1 ,
max : 1 ,
idleTimeoutMillis : 120 * 1000 ,
propagateCreateError : false ,
acquireTimeoutMillis : acquireConnectionTimeout ,
} ;
} else if ( dbConfig . type === "mariadb" ) {
if ( ! /^\w+$/ . test ( dbConfig . dbName ) ) {
throw Error ( "Invalid database name. A database name can only consist of letters, numbers and underscores" ) ;
const connection = await mysql . createConnection ( {
host : dbConfig . hostname ,
port : dbConfig . port ,
user : dbConfig . username ,
password : dbConfig . password ,
} ) ;
await connection . execute ( "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " + dbConfig . dbName + " CHARACTER SET utf8mb4" ) ;
connection . end ( ) ;
config = {
client : "mysql2" ,
connection : {
host : dbConfig . hostname ,
port : dbConfig . port ,
user : dbConfig . username ,
password : dbConfig . password ,
database : dbConfig . dbName ,
timezone : "Z" ,
typeCast : function ( field , next ) {
if ( field . type === "DATETIME" ) {
// Do not perform timezone conversion
return field . string ( ) ;
return next ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
pool : mariadbPoolConfig ,
} ;
} else if ( dbConfig . type === "embedded-mariadb" ) {
let embeddedMariaDB = EmbeddedMariaDB . getInstance ( ) ;
await embeddedMariaDB . start ( ) ;
log . info ( "mariadb" , "Embedded MariaDB started" ) ;
config = {
client : "mysql2" ,
connection : {
socketPath : embeddedMariaDB . socketPath ,
user : "node" ,
database : "kuma" ,
timezone : "Z" ,
typeCast : function ( field , next ) {
if ( field . type === "DATETIME" ) {
// Do not perform timezone conversion
return field . string ( ) ;
return next ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
pool : mariadbPoolConfig ,
} ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "Unknown Database type: " + dbConfig . type ) ;
// Set to utf8mb4 for MariaDB
if ( dbConfig . type . endsWith ( "mariadb" ) ) {
config . pool = {
afterCreate ( conn , done ) {
conn . query ( "SET CHARACTER SET utf8mb4;" , ( err ) => done ( err , conn ) ) ;
} ,
} ;
const knexInstance = knex ( config ) ;
R . setup ( knexInstance ) ;
if ( process . env . SQL _LOG === "1" ) {
R . debug ( true ) ;
// Auto map the model to a bean object
R . freeze ( true ) ;
if ( autoloadModels ) {
await R . autoloadModels ( "./server/model" ) ;
if ( dbConfig . type === "sqlite" ) {
await this . initSQLite ( testMode , noLog ) ;
} else if ( dbConfig . type . endsWith ( "mariadb" ) ) {
await this . initMariaDB ( ) ;
/ * *
@ param { boolean } testMode Should the connection be started in test mode ?
@ param { boolean } noLog Should logs not be output ?
@ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async initSQLite ( testMode , noLog ) {
await R . exec ( "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON" ) ;
if ( testMode ) {
// Change to MEMORY
await R . exec ( "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY" ) ;
} else {
// Change to WAL
await R . exec ( "PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL" ) ;
await R . exec ( "PRAGMA cache_size = -12000" ) ;
await R . exec ( "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = INCREMENTAL" ) ;
// This ensures that an operating system crash or power failure will not corrupt the database.
// FULL synchronous is very safe, but it is also slower.
// Read more:
await R . exec ( "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL" ) ;
if ( ! noLog ) {
log . debug ( "db" , "SQLite config:" ) ;
log . debug ( "db" , await R . getAll ( "PRAGMA journal_mode" ) ) ;
log . debug ( "db" , await R . getAll ( "PRAGMA cache_size" ) ) ;
log . debug ( "db" , "SQLite Version: " + await R . getCell ( "SELECT sqlite_version()" ) ) ;
/ * *
* Initialize MariaDB
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async initMariaDB ( ) {
log . debug ( "db" , "Checking if MariaDB database exists..." ) ;
let hasTable = await R . hasTable ( "docker_host" ) ;
if ( ! hasTable ) {
const { createTables } = require ( "../db/knex_init_db" ) ;
await createTables ( ) ;
} else {
log . debug ( "db" , "MariaDB database already exists" ) ;
/ * *
* Patch the database
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async patch ( ) {
// Still need to keep this for old versions of Uptime Kuma
if ( Database . dbConfig . type === "sqlite" ) {
await this . patchSqlite ( ) ;
// Using knex migrations
try {
await R . knex . migrate . latest ( {
directory : Database . knexMigrationsPath ,
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// Allow missing patch files for downgrade or testing pr.
if ( e . message . includes ( "the following files are missing:" ) ) {
log . warn ( "db" , e . message ) ;
log . warn ( "db" , "Database migration failed, you may be downgrading Uptime Kuma." ) ;
} else {
log . error ( "db" , "Database migration failed" ) ;
throw e ;
/ * *
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async rollbackLatestPatch ( ) {
/ * *
* Patch the database for SQLite
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* @ deprecated
* /
static async patchSqlite ( ) {
let version = parseInt ( await setting ( "database_version" ) ) ;
if ( ! version ) {
version = 0 ;
if ( version !== this . latestVersion ) {
log . info ( "db" , "Your database version: " + version ) ;
log . info ( "db" , "Latest database version: " + this . latestVersion ) ;
if ( version === this . latestVersion ) {
log . debug ( "db" , "Database patch not needed" ) ;
} else if ( version > this . latestVersion ) {
log . warn ( "db" , "Warning: Database version is newer than expected" ) ;
} else {
log . info ( "db" , "Database patch is needed" ) ;
// Try catch anything here
try {
for ( let i = version + 1 ; i <= this . latestVersion ; i ++ ) {
const sqlFile = ` ./db/old_migrations/patch ${ i } .sql ` ;
log . info ( "db" , ` Patching ${ sqlFile } ` ) ;
await Database . importSQLFile ( sqlFile ) ;
log . info ( "db" , ` Patched ${ sqlFile } ` ) ;
await setSetting ( "database_version" , i ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
await Database . close ( ) ;
log . error ( "db" , ex ) ;
log . error ( "db" , "Start Uptime-Kuma failed due to issue patching the database" ) ;
log . error ( "db" , "Please submit a bug report if you still encounter the problem after restart:" ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
await this . patchSqlite2 ( ) ;
await this . migrateNewStatusPage ( ) ;
/ * *
* Patch DB using new process
* Call it from patch ( ) only
* @ deprecated
* @ private
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async patchSqlite2 ( ) {
log . debug ( "db" , "Database Patch 2.0 Process" ) ;
let databasePatchedFiles = await setting ( "databasePatchedFiles" ) ;
if ( ! databasePatchedFiles ) {
databasePatchedFiles = { } ;
log . debug ( "db" , "Patched files:" ) ;
log . debug ( "db" , databasePatchedFiles ) ;
try {
for ( let sqlFilename in this . patchList ) {
await this . patch2Recursion ( sqlFilename , databasePatchedFiles ) ;
if ( this . patched ) {
log . info ( "db" , "Database Patched Successfully" ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
await Database . close ( ) ;
log . error ( "db" , ex ) ;
log . error ( "db" , "Start Uptime-Kuma failed due to issue patching the database" ) ;
log . error ( "db" , "Please submit the bug report if you still encounter the problem after restart:" ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
await setSetting ( "databasePatchedFiles" , databasePatchedFiles ) ;
/ * *
* SQlite only
* Migrate status page value in setting to "status_page" table
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async migrateNewStatusPage ( ) {
// Fix 1.13.0 empty slug bug
await R . exec ( "UPDATE status_page SET slug = 'empty-slug-recover' WHERE TRIM(slug) = ''" ) ;
let title = await setting ( "title" ) ;
if ( title ) {
console . log ( "Migrating Status Page" ) ;
let statusPageCheck = await R . findOne ( "status_page" , " slug = 'default' " ) ;
if ( statusPageCheck !== null ) {
console . log ( "Migrating Status Page - Skip, default slug record is already existing" ) ;
return ;
let statusPage = R . dispense ( "status_page" ) ;
statusPage . slug = "default" ;
statusPage . title = title ;
statusPage . description = await setting ( "description" ) ;
statusPage . icon = await setting ( "icon" ) ;
statusPage . theme = await setting ( "statusPageTheme" ) ;
statusPage . published = ! ! await setting ( "statusPagePublished" ) ;
statusPage . search _engine _index = ! ! await setting ( "searchEngineIndex" ) ;
statusPage . show _tags = ! ! await setting ( "statusPageTags" ) ;
statusPage . password = null ;
if ( ! statusPage . title ) {
statusPage . title = "My Status Page" ;
if ( ! statusPage . icon ) {
statusPage . icon = "" ;
if ( ! statusPage . theme ) {
statusPage . theme = "light" ;
let id = await R . store ( statusPage ) ;
await R . exec ( "UPDATE incident SET status_page_id = ? WHERE status_page_id IS NULL" , [
] ) ;
await R . exec ( "UPDATE [group] SET status_page_id = ? WHERE status_page_id IS NULL" , [
] ) ;
await R . exec ( "DELETE FROM setting WHERE type = 'statusPage'" ) ;
// Migrate Entry Page if it is status page
let entryPage = await setting ( "entryPage" ) ;
if ( entryPage === "statusPage" ) {
await setSetting ( "entryPage" , "statusPage-default" , "general" ) ;
console . log ( "Migrating Status Page - Done" ) ;
/ * *
* Patch database using new patching process
* Used it patch2 ( ) only
* @ private
* @ param { string } sqlFilename Name of SQL file to load
* @ param { object } databasePatchedFiles Patch status of database files
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async patch2Recursion ( sqlFilename , databasePatchedFiles ) {
let value = this . patchList [ sqlFilename ] ;
if ( ! value ) {
log . info ( "db" , sqlFilename + " skip" ) ;
return ;
// Check if patched
if ( ! databasePatchedFiles [ sqlFilename ] ) {
log . info ( "db" , sqlFilename + " is not patched" ) ;
if ( value . parents ) {
log . info ( "db" , sqlFilename + " need parents" ) ;
for ( let parentSQLFilename of value . parents ) {
await this . patch2Recursion ( parentSQLFilename , databasePatchedFiles ) ;
log . info ( "db" , sqlFilename + " is patching" ) ;
this . patched = true ;
await this . importSQLFile ( "./db/old_migrations/" + sqlFilename ) ;
databasePatchedFiles [ sqlFilename ] = true ;
log . info ( "db" , sqlFilename + " was patched successfully" ) ;
} else {
log . debug ( "db" , sqlFilename + " is already patched, skip" ) ;
/ * *
* Load an SQL file and execute it
* @ param { string } filename Filename of SQL file to import
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async importSQLFile ( filename ) {
// Sadly, multi sql statements is not supported by many sqlite libraries, I have to implement it myself
await R . getCell ( "SELECT 1" ) ;
let text = fs . readFileSync ( filename ) . toString ( ) ;
// Remove all comments (--)
let lines = text . split ( "\n" ) ;
lines = lines . filter ( ( line ) => {
return ! line . startsWith ( "--" ) ;
} ) ;
// Split statements by semicolon
// Filter out empty line
text = lines . join ( "\n" ) ;
let statements = text . split ( ";" )
. map ( ( statement ) => {
return statement . trim ( ) ;
} )
. filter ( ( statement ) => {
return statement !== "" ;
} ) ;
for ( let statement of statements ) {
await R . exec ( statement ) ;
/ * *
* Special handle , because tarn . js throw a promise reject that cannot be caught
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async close ( ) {
const listener = ( reason , p ) => {
Database . noReject = false ;
} ;
process . addListener ( "unhandledRejection" , listener ) ;
log . info ( "db" , "Closing the database" ) ;
// Flush WAL to main database
if ( Database . dbConfig . type === "sqlite" ) {
await R . exec ( "PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE)" ) ;
while ( true ) {
Database . noReject = true ;
await R . close ( ) ;
await sleep ( 2000 ) ;
if ( Database . noReject ) {
break ;
} else {
log . info ( "db" , "Waiting to close the database" ) ;
log . info ( "db" , "Database closed" ) ;
process . removeListener ( "unhandledRejection" , listener ) ;
/ * *
* Get the size of the database ( SQLite only )
* @ returns { number } Size of database
* /
static getSize ( ) {
if ( Database . dbConfig . type === "sqlite" ) {
log . debug ( "db" , "Database.getSize()" ) ;
let stats = fs . statSync ( Database . sqlitePath ) ;
log . debug ( "db" , stats ) ;
return stats . size ;
return 0 ;
/ * *
* Shrink the database
* @ returns { Promise < void > }
* /
static async shrink ( ) {
if ( Database . dbConfig . type === "sqlite" ) {
await R . exec ( "VACUUM" ) ;
/ * *
* @ returns { string } Get the SQL for the current time plus a number of hours
* /
static sqlHourOffset ( ) {
if ( Database . dbConfig . type === "sqlite" ) {
return "DATETIME('now', ? || ' hours')" ;
} else {
module . exports = Database ;