@ -695,5 +695,19 @@
"Google Analytics ID": "Google Analytics ID",
"Google Analytics ID": "Google Analytics ID",
"Edit Tag": "Edit Tag",
"Edit Tag": "Edit Tag",
"Server Address": "Server Address",
"Server Address": "Server Address",
"Learn More": "Learn More"
"Learn More": "Learn More",
"API Keys": "API Keys",
"Expiry": "Expiry",
"Expiry date": "Expiry date",
"Don't expire": "Don't expire",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Add Another": "Add Another",
"Key Added": "Key Added",
"apiKeyAddedMsg": "Your API key has been added. Please make a note of it as it will not be shown again.",
"Add API Key": "Add API Key",
"No API Keys": "No API Keys",
"apiKey-active": "Active",
"apiKey-expired": "Expired",
"apiKey-inactive": "Inactive",
"Expires": "Expires"