"snmpOIDHelptext":"Please input the OID corresponding to the sensor or status you wish to monitor. If you're unsure about the OID, various network management tools can assist you in discovering the correct OID for your device, such as a MIB browser, or SNMP management software.",
"snmpVersionHelptext":"Prefer SNMPv2c for enhanced security and expanded features. If compatibility issues occur, fallback to SNMPv1, but note that SNMPv1 has limited capabilities compared to SNMPv2c."
<inputid="snmp_oid"v-model="monitor.snmpOid" type="text" class="form-control" required pattern="^([0-2])((\.0)|(\.[1-9][0-9]*))*$" title="Please enter a valid OID, e.g." placeholder="">