@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ description: "Submit a bug report to help us improve"
#title: "[Bug] "
- type:checkboxes
label:"⚠️ Please verify that this bug has NOT been raised before."
description:"Search in the issues sections by clicking [HERE](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues?q=)"
- label:"I checked and didn't find similar issue"
- type:textarea
label:"📑 I have found these related issues/pull requests"
description:"Search related issues by clicking [HERE](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues?q=) and explain what the difference between them or explain that you are unable to find any related issues"
placeholder:"Related to #1 by also touching the ... system. They should not be merged because ..."
- type:checkboxes
label:"🛡️ Security Policy"
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ body:
label:"👟 Reproduction steps"
description:"How do you trigger this bug? Please walk us through it step by step."
description:"How do you trigger this bug? Please walk us through it step by step. Include all important details and add screenshots where appropriate"
- type:textarea
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ body:
label:"💻 Operating System and Arch"
description:"Which OS is your server/device running on?"
placeholder:"Ex. Ubuntu 20.04 x86"
description:"Which OS is your server/device running on? (For Replit, please do not report this bug)"
placeholder:"Ex. Ubuntu 20.04 x64 "
- type:input
@ -73,22 +73,23 @@ body:
placeholder:"Ex. Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69"
- type:input
label:"🐋 Docker Version"
description:"If running with Docker, which version are you running?"
placeholder:"Ex. Docker 20.10.9 / K8S / Podman"
- type:input
- type:textarea
label:"🟩 NodeJS Version"
description:"If running with Node.js? which version are you running?"
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ description: "Submit a proposal for a new feature"
#title: "[Feature] "
- type:checkboxes
label:"⚠️ Please verify that this feature request has NOT been suggested before."
description:"Search in the issues sections by clicking [HERE](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues?q=)"
- label:"I checked and didn't find similar feature request"
- type:textarea
label:"📑 I have found these related issues/pull requests"
description:"Search related issues by clicking [HERE](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues?q=) and explain what the difference between them or explain that you are unable to find any related issues"
placeholder:"Related to #1 by also touching the ... system. They should not be merged because ..."
- type:dropdown
@ -18,10 +18,17 @@ body:
description:"What kind of feature request is this?"
👉 Delete this line if you have read and agree our pull request rules and guidelines: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#can-i-create-a-pull-request-for-uptime-kuma
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Since we do not accept all types of pull requests and do not want to waste your time. Please be sure that you have read pull request rules:
# This workflow will do a clean install of node dependencies, cache/restore them, build the source code and run tests across different versions of node
# This workflow will do a clean install of node dependencies, build the source code and run tests across different versions of node
# For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-nodejs-with-github-actions
First of all, thank you everyone who made pull requests for Uptime Kuma, I never thought GitHub Community can be that nice! And also because of this, I also never thought other people actually read my code and edit my code. It is not structured and commented so well, lol. Sorry about that.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who have wrote issues or shared pull requests for Uptime Kuma.
I never thought the GitHub community would be so nice!
Because of this, I also never thought that other people would actually read and edit my code.
Parts of the code are not very well-structured or commented, sorry about that.
The project was created with vite.js (vue3). Then I created a subdirectory called "server" for server part. Both frontend and backend share the same package.json.
The project was created with `vite.js` and is written in `vue3`.
Our backend lives in the `server`-directory and mostly communicates via websockets.
Both frontend and backend share the same `package.json`.
The frontend code build into "dist" directory. The server (express.js) exposes the "dist" directory as root of the endpoint. This is how production is working.
## Key Technical Skills
- Node.js (You should know what are promise, async/await and arrow function etc.)
- Socket.io
- Vue.js
- Bootstrap
- SQLite
For production, the frontend is build into `dist`-directory and the server (`express.js`) exposes the `dist` directory as the root of the endpoint.
For development, we run vite in development mode on another port.
## Directories
- data (App data)
- dist (Frontend build)
- extra (Extra useful scripts)
- public (Frontend resources for dev only)
- server (Server source code)
- src (Frontend source code)
- test (unit test)
- `config` (dev config files)
- `data` (App data)
- `db` (Base database and migration scripts)
- `dist` (Frontend build)
- `docker` (Dockerfiles)
- `extra` (Extra useful scripts)
- `public` (Frontend resources for dev only)
- `server` (Server source code)
- `src` (Frontend source code)
- `test` (unit test)
## Can I create a pull request for Uptime Kuma?
Yes, you can. However, since I don't want to waste your time, be sure to **create empty draft pull request, so we can discuss first** if it is a large pull request or you don't know it will be merged or not.
Also, please don't rush or ask for ETA, because I have to understand the pull request, make sure it is no breaking changes and stick to my vision of this project, especially for large pull requests.
I will mark your pull request in the [milestones](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/milestones), if I am plan to review and merge it.
✅ Accept:
- Bug/Security fix
- Translations
- Adding notification providers
⚠️ Discussion First
- Large pull requests
- New features
❌ Won't Merge
- Do not pass auto test
- Any breaking changes
- Duplicated pull request
- Buggy
- Existing logic is completely modified or deleted for no reason
- A function that is completely out of scope
Yes or no, it depends on what you will try to do.
Both your and our maintainers time is precious, and we don't want to waste both time.
If you have any questions about any process/.. is not clear, you are likely not alone => please ask them ^^
Different guidelines exist for different types of pull requests (PRs):
Submitting security fixes is something that may put the community at risk.
Please read through our [security policy](SECURITY.md) and submit vulnerabilities via an [advisory](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/security/advisories/new) + [issue](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues/new?assignees=&labels=help&template=security.md) instead.
We encourage you to submit how to fix a vulnerability if you know how to, this is not required.
Following the security policy allows us to properly test, fix bugs.
This review allows us to notice, if there are any changes necessary to unrelated parts like the documentation.
To set up a new notification provider these files need to be modified/created:
- `server/notification-providers/PROVIDER_NAME.js` is where the heart of the notification provider lives.
- Both `monitorJSON` and `heartbeatJSON` can be `null` for some events.
If both are `null`, this is a general testing message, but if just `heartbeatJSON` is `null` this is a certificate expiry.
- Please wrap the axios call into a
try {
let result = await axios.post(...);
if (result.status === ...) ...
} catch (error) {
- `server/notification.js` is where the backend of the notification provider needs to be registered.
*If you have an idea how we can skip this step, we would love to hear about it ^^*
- `src/components/NotificationDialog.vue` you need to decide if the provider is a regional or a global one and add it with a name to the respective list
- `src/components/notifications/PROVIDER_NAME.vue` is where the frontend of each provider lives.
Please make sure that you have:
- used `HiddenInput` for secret credentials
- included all the necessary helptexts/placeholder/.. to make sure the notification provider is simple to setup for new users.
- include all translations (`{{ $t("Translation key") }}`, [`i18n-t keypath="Translation key">`](https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/guide/advanced/component.html)) in `src/lang/en.json` to enable our translators to translate this
- `src/components/notifications/index.js` is where the frontend of the provider needs to be registered.
*If you have an idea how we can skip this step, we would love to hear about it ^^*
Offering notifications is close to the core of what we are as an uptime monitor.
Therefore, making sure that they work is also really important.
Because testing notification providers is quite time intensive, we mostly offload this onto the person contributing a notification provider.
To make shure you have tested the notification provider, please include screenshots of the following events in the pull-request description:
- `UP`/`DOWN`
- Certificate Expiry via https://expired.badssl.com/
- Testing (the test button on the notification provider setup page)
Using the following way to format this is encouraged:
To set up a new notification provider these files need to be modified/created:
- `server/monitor-types/MONITORING_TYPE.js` is the core of each monitor.
the `async check(...)`-function should:
- throw an error for each fault that is detected with an actionable error message
- in the happy-path, you should set `heartbeat.msg` to a successfull message and set `heartbeat.status = UP`
- `server/uptime-kuma-server.js` is where the monitoring backend needs to be registered.
*If you have an idea how we can skip this step, we would love to hear about it ^^*
- `src/pages/EditMonitor.vue` is the shared frontend users interact with.
Please make sure that you have:
- used `HiddenInput` for secret credentials
- included all the necessary helptexts/placeholder/.. to make sure the notification provider is simple to setup for new users.
- include all translations (`{{ $t("Translation key") }}`, [`i18n-t keypath="Translation key">`](https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/guide/advanced/component.html)) in `src/lang/en.json` to enable our translators to translate this
<sub>Because maintainer time is precious junior maintainers may merge uncontroversial PRs in this area.</sub>
- <details><summary><b>new features/ major changes / breaking bugfixes</b></summary>
be sure to **create an empty draft pull request or open an issue, so we can have a discussion first**.
This is especially important for a large pull request or you don't know if it will be merged or not.
<sub>Because of the large impact of this work, only senior maintainers may merge PRs in this area.</sub>
The following rules are essential for making your PR mergable:
- Merging multiple issues by a huge PR is more difficult to review and causes conflicts with other PRs. Please
- (if possible) **create one PR for one issue** or
- (if not possible) **explain which issues a PR addresses and why this PR should not be broken apart**
- Make sure your **PR passes our continuous integration**.
PRs will not be merged unless all CI-Checks are green.
- **Breaking changes** (unless for a good reason and discussed beforehand) will not get merged / not get merged quickly.
Such changes require a major version release.
- **Test your code** before submitting a PR.
Buggy PRs will not be merged.
- Make sure the **UI/UX is close to Uptime Kuma**.
- **Think about the maintainability**:
Don't add functionality that is completely **out of scope**.
Keep in mind that we need to be able to maintain the functionality.
- Don't modify or delete existing logic without a valid reason.
- Don't convert existing code into other programming languages for no reason.
I ([@louislam](https://github.com/louislam)) have the final say.
If your pull request does not meet my expectations, I will reject it, no matter how much time you spent on it.
Therefore, it is essential to have a discussion beforehand.
I will assign your pull request to a [milestone](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/milestones), if I plan to review and merge it.
Please don't rush or ask for an ETA.
We have to understand the pull request, make sure it has no breaking changes and stick to the vision of this project, especially for large pull requests.
## I'd like to work on an issue. How do I do that?
We have found that assigning people to issues is management-overhead that we don't need.
A short comment that you want to try your hand at this issue is appreciated to save other devs time.
If you come across any problem during development, feel free to leave a comment with what you are stuck on.
### Recommended Pull Request Guideline
Before deep into coding, discussion first is preferred. Creating an empty pull request for discussion would be recommended.
Before diving deep into coding, having a discussion first by creating an empty pull request for discussion is preferred.
The rationale behind this is that we can align the direction and scope of the feature to eliminate any conflicts with existing and planned work, and can help by pointing out any potential pitfalls.
Please add **all** the strings which are translatable to `src/lang/en.json` (if translation keys are omitted, they can not be translated.)
**Don't include any other languages in your initial pull request** (even if this is your mother tongue), to avoid merge-conflicts between weblate and `master`.
The translations can then (after merging a PR into `master`) be translated by awesome people donating their language skills.
If you want to help by translating Uptime Kuma into your language, please visit the [instructions on how to translate using weblate](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/blob/master/src/lang/README.md).
## Spelling & Grammar
Feel free to correct the grammar in the documentation or code.
My mother language is not English and my grammar is not that great.
## Wiki
Since there is no way to make a pull request to wiki's repo, I have set up another repo to do that.
Since there is no way to make a pull request to the wiki, I have set up another repo to do that.
## Docker
### Arch
- amd64
- arm64
- armv7
### Docker Tags
#### v2
- `2`, `latest-2`: v2 with full features such as Chromium and bundled MariaDB
Demo Server (Location: Frankfurt - Germany): https://demo.kuma.pet/start-demo
It is a temporary live demo, all data will be deleted after 10 minutes. The server is located in Tokyo, so if you live far from there, it may affect your experience. I suggest that you should install and try it out for the best demo experience.
VPS is sponsored by Uptime Kuma sponsors on [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/uptime-kuma)! Thank you so much!
It is a temporary live demo, all data will be deleted after 10 minutes. Sponsored by [Uptime Kuma Sponsors](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma#%EF%B8%8F-sponsors).
## ⭐ Features
* Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / HTTP(s) Keyword / Ping / DNS Record / Push / Steam Game Server / Docker Containers.
* Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX.
* Notifications via Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP), and [90+ notification services, click here for the full list](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/tree/master/src/components/notifications).
- Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / HTTP(s) Keyword / HTTP(s) Json Query / Ping / DNS Record / Push / Steam Game Server / Docker Containers
- Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX
- Notifications via Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP), and [90+ notification services, click here for the full list](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/tree/master/src/components/notifications)
⚠️ Please use a **local volume** only. Other types such as NFS are not supported.
Uptime Kuma is now running on <>.
> File Systems like **NFS** (Network File System) are **NOT** supported. Please map to a local directory or volume.
Browse to http://localhost:3001 after starting.
> [!NOTE]
> If you want to limit exposure to localhost (without exposing port for other users or to use a [reverse proxy](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/wiki/Reverse-Proxy)), you can expose the port like this:
Thank you so much! (GitHub Sponsors will be updated manually. OpenCollective sponsors will be updated automatically, the list will be cached by GitHub though. It may need some time to be updated)
* I was looking for a self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot", but it is hard to find a suitable one. One of the close ones is statping. Unfortunately, it is not stable and no longer maintained.
* Want to build a fancy UI.
* Learn Vue 3 and vite.js.
* Show the power of Bootstrap 5.
* Try to use WebSocket with SPA instead of REST API.
* Deploy my first Docker image to Docker Hub.
- I was looking for a self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot", but it is hard to find a suitable one. One of the closest ones is statping. Unfortunately, it is not stable and no longer maintained.
- Wanted to build a fancy UI.
- Learn Vue 3 and vite.js.
- Show the power of Bootstrap 5.
- Try to use WebSocket with SPA instead of a REST API.
- Deploy my first Docker image to Docker Hub.
If you love this project, please consider giving it a ⭐.
## 🗣️ Discussion / Ask for Help
⚠️ For any general or technical questions, please don't send me an email, as I am unable to provide support in that manner. I will not respond if you ask questions there.
If you love this project, please consider giving me a ⭐.
I recommend using Google, GitHub Issues, or Uptime Kuma's subreddit for finding answers to your question. If you cannot find the information you need, feel free to ask:
Check out the latest beta release here: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/releases
### Bug Reports / Feature Requests
If you want to report a bug or request a new feature, feel free to open a [new issue](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues).
### Translations
If you want to translate Uptime Kuma into your language, please read: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/tree/master/src/languages
Feel free to correct my grammar in this README, source code, or wiki, as my mother language is not English and my grammar is not that great.
If you want to translate Uptime Kuma into your language, please visit [Weblate Readme](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/blob/master/src/lang/README.md).
### Spelling & Grammar
Feel free to correct the grammar in the documentation or code.
My mother language is not English and my grammar is not that great.
### Pull Requests
If you want to modify Uptime Kuma, this guideline may be useful for you: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
1. Please report security issues to https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/security/advisories/new.
2. Please also create an empty security issue to alert me, as GitHub Advisories do not send a notification, I probably will miss it without this. https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues/new?assignees=&labels=help&template=security.md
Do not use the issue tracker or discuss it in the public as it will cause more damage.
Do not use the public issue tracker or discuss it in public as it will cause more damage.
## Do you accept other 3rd-party bug bounty platforms?
At this moment, I DO NOT accept other bug bounty platforms, because I am not familiar with these platforms and someone has tried to send a phishing link to me by doing this already. To minimize my own risk, please report through GitHub Advisories only. I will ignore all 3rd-party bug bounty platforms emails.
## Supported Versions
### Uptime Kuma Versions
You should use or upgrade to the latest version of Uptime Kuma. All `1.X.X` versions are upgradable to the lastest version.
You should use or upgrade to the latest version of Uptime Kuma. All `1.X.X` versions are upgradable to the latest version.