@ -102,9 +102,9 @@
"deleteNotificationMsg" : "是否確定刪除這個通知設定?如監測器啟用了這個通知,將會收不到通知。" ,
"deleteNotificationMsg" : "是否確定刪除這個通知設定?如監測器啟用了這個通知,將會收不到通知。" ,
"Resolver Server" : "DNS 伺服器" ,
"Resolver Server" : "DNS 伺服器" ,
"Resource Record Type" : "DNS 記錄類型" ,
"Resource Record Type" : "DNS 記錄類型" ,
"resolverserverDescription" : "預設 值 為 Cloudflare DNS 伺服器,你可以轉用其他 DNS 伺服器。",
"resolverserverDescription" : "預設 為 Cloudflare DNS 伺服器,你可以轉用其他 DNS 伺服器。",
"rrtypeDescription" : "請選擇 DNS 記錄類型" ,
"rrtypeDescription" : "請選擇 DNS 記錄類型" ,
"pauseMonitorMsg" : "是否確定 暫停?",
"pauseMonitorMsg" : "是否確定 要 暫停?",
"Last Result" : "最後結果" ,
"Last Result" : "最後結果" ,
"Create your admin account" : "建立管理員帳號" ,
"Create your admin account" : "建立管理員帳號" ,
"Repeat Password" : "重複密碼" ,
"Repeat Password" : "重複密碼" ,
@ -128,10 +128,10 @@
"backupDescription3" : "此備份可能包含了一些敏感資料如通知裡的 Token, 請小心保存備份。" ,
"backupDescription3" : "此備份可能包含了一些敏感資料如通知裡的 Token, 請小心保存備份。" ,
"alertNoFile" : "請選擇一個檔案" ,
"alertNoFile" : "請選擇一個檔案" ,
"alertWrongFileType" : "請選擇 JSON 檔案" ,
"alertWrongFileType" : "請選擇 JSON 檔案" ,
"twoFAVerifyLabel" : " Please type in your token to verify that 2FA is working ",
"twoFAVerifyLabel" : " 請輸入 Token 以確認 2FA: ",
"tokenValidSettingsMsg" : "Token is valid! You can now save the 2FA settings. ",
"tokenValidSettingsMsg" : "Token 有效!您現在可以儲存 2FA 設定。 ",
"confirmEnableTwoFAMsg" : " Are you sure you want to enable 2FA? ",
"confirmEnableTwoFAMsg" : " 您確定要啟用 2FA 嗎? ",
"confirmDisableTwoFAMsg" : " Are you sure you want to disable 2FA? ",
"confirmDisableTwoFAMsg" : " 您確定要停用 2FA 嗎? ",
"Apply on all existing monitors" : "套用至目前所有監測器" ,
"Apply on all existing monitors" : "套用至目前所有監測器" ,
"Verify Token" : "驗証 Token" ,
"Verify Token" : "驗証 Token" ,
"Setup 2FA" : "設定 2FA" ,
"Setup 2FA" : "設定 2FA" ,
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@
"Show URI" : "顯示 URI" ,
"Show URI" : "顯示 URI" ,
"Clear all statistics" : "清除所有歷史記錄" ,
"Clear all statistics" : "清除所有歷史記錄" ,
"retryCheckEverySecond" : "Retry every {0} seconds." ,
"retryCheckEverySecond" : "Retry every {0} seconds." ,
"importHandleDescription" : " Choose 'Skip existing' if you want to skip every monitor or notification with the same name. 'Overwrite' will delete every existing monitor and notification. ",
"importHandleDescription" : " \"略過已存在的\" 會跳過所有相同名稱的監測器或通知。 '覆蓋' 將刪除所有現有的監測器及通知。 ",
"confirmImportMsg" : " Are you sure to import the backup? Please make sure you've selected the right import option. ",
"confirmImportMsg" : " 您確定要匯入備份嗎?請確認你已選擇正確的匯入設定。 ",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval" : "Heartbeat Retry Interval" ,
"Heartbeat Retry Interval" : "Heartbeat Retry Interval" ,
"Import Backup" : "匯入備份" ,
"Import Backup" : "匯入備份" ,
"Export Backup" : "匯出備份" ,
"Export Backup" : "匯出備份" ,
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
"smtpDkimDesc" : "請參考 Nodemailer DKIM {0} 使用方式。" ,
"smtpDkimDesc" : "請參考 Nodemailer DKIM {0} 使用方式。" ,
"documentation" : "文件" ,
"documentation" : "文件" ,
"smtpDkimDomain" : "網域名稱" ,
"smtpDkimDomain" : "網域名稱" ,
"smtpDkimKeySelector" : " DKIM 選取器 ",
"smtpDkimKeySelector" : " Key Selector ",
"smtpDkimPrivateKey" : "私密金鑰" ,
"smtpDkimPrivateKey" : "私密金鑰" ,
"smtpDkimHashAlgo" : "雜湊演算法 (選填)" ,
"smtpDkimHashAlgo" : "雜湊演算法 (選填)" ,
"smtpDkimheaderFieldNames" : "要簽署的郵件標頭 (選填)" ,
"smtpDkimheaderFieldNames" : "要簽署的郵件標頭 (選填)" ,
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
"affectedStatusPages" : "在已選取的狀態頁中顯示此維護訊息" ,
"affectedStatusPages" : "在已選取的狀態頁中顯示此維護訊息" ,
"Primary Base URL" : "主要 Base URL" ,
"Primary Base URL" : "主要 Base URL" ,
"Passive Monitor Type" : "被動監測器類型" ,
"Passive Monitor Type" : "被動監測器類型" ,
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently" : " 若 X 次心跳皆離線,重新傳送通知",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently" : " 每 X 次心跳皆離線,重新傳送通知",
"Game" : "遊戲" ,
"Game" : "遊戲" ,
"Specific Monitor Type" : "特定監測器類型" ,
"Specific Monitor Type" : "特定監測器類型" ,
"Monitor" : "監測器 | 監測器" ,
"Monitor" : "監測器 | 監測器" ,
@ -574,5 +574,87 @@
"Proxy" : "Proxy" ,
"Proxy" : "Proxy" ,
"backupOutdatedWarning" : "過時:由於備份功能未顧及新功能的增加,因此備份功能無法產生或復原完整的備份。" ,
"backupOutdatedWarning" : "過時:由於備份功能未顧及新功能的增加,因此備份功能無法產生或復原完整的備份。" ,
"Optional" : "可選填" ,
"Optional" : "可選填" ,
"markdownSupported" : "支援 Markdown"
"markdownSupported" : "支援 Markdown" ,
"Custom Monitor Type" : "自訂監測器" ,
"Google Analytics ID" : "Google Analytics ID" ,
"Learn More" : "了解更多" ,
"Server Address" : "Server 地址" ,
"Edit Tag" : "編輯標籤" ,
"confirmDeleteTagMsg" : "你確定你要刪除此標籤?相關的監測器不會被刪除。" ,
"pushoversounds pushover" : "Pushover (預設)" ,
"pushoversounds tugboat" : "Tug Boat" ,
"pushyToken" : "裝置 Token" ,
"Proto Content" : "Proto 內容" ,
"onebotHttpAddress" : "OneBot HTTP 地址" ,
"HomeAssistant" : "Home Assistant" ,
"Leave blank to use a shared sender number." : "留空以使用平台共享的發送人號碼。" ,
"auto acknowledged" : "自動標記已讀" ,
"wayToGetPagerDutyKey" : "您可以前往 Service -> Service Directory -> (Select a service) -> Integrations -> Add integration 以取得。您可以搜尋 \"Events API V2\"。詳細資訊 {0}" ,
"Kook" : "Kook" ,
"wayToGetKookBotToken" : "到 {0} 創建應用並取得 Bot Token" ,
"grpcMethodDescription" : "Method 名稱將被轉換成 cammelCase 命名,如 sayHello、check 等。" ,
"deleteMaintenanceMsg" : "您確定要刪除此維護嗎?" ,
"dnsPortDescription" : "DNS 伺服器 port。預設為 53。您可以隨時變更 port。" ,
"atLeastOneMonitor" : "選擇至少一個受影響的監測器" ,
"endpoint" : "endpoint" ,
"octopushAPIKey" : "在控制台的 HTTP API 憑證取得的 \"API Key\"" ,
"octopushLogin" : "在控制台的 HTTP API 憑證取得的 \"Login\"" ,
"promosmsLogin" : "API 登入名稱" ,
"promosmsPassword" : "API 密碼" ,
"pushoversounds bike" : "Bike" ,
"pushoversounds bugle" : "Bugle" ,
"pushoversounds cashregister" : "Cash Register" ,
"pushoversounds classical" : "Classical" ,
"pushoversounds cosmic" : "Cosmic" ,
"pushoversounds falling" : "Falling" ,
"pushoversounds gamelan" : "Gamelan" ,
"pushoversounds incoming" : "Incoming" ,
"pushoversounds intermission" : "Intermission" ,
"pushoversounds magic" : "Magic" ,
"pushoversounds mechanical" : "Mechanical" ,
"pushoversounds pianobar" : "Piano Bar" ,
"pushoversounds siren" : "Siren" ,
"pushoversounds spacealarm" : "Space Alarm" ,
"pushoversounds alien" : "Alien Alarm (long)" ,
"pushoversounds climb" : "Climb (long)" ,
"pushoversounds persistent" : "Persistent (long)" ,
"pushoversounds echo" : "Pushover Echo (long)" ,
"pushoversounds updown" : "Up Down (long)" ,
"pushoversounds vibrate" : "Vibrate Only" ,
"pushoversounds none" : "None (silent)" ,
"pushyAPIKey" : "Secret API Key" ,
"Guild ID" : "Guild ID" ,
"Strategy" : "策略" ,
"Free Mobile User Identifier" : "Free Mobile User Identifier" ,
"Free Mobile API Key" : "Free Mobile API Key" ,
"Enable TLS" : "使用 TLS" ,
"Proto Service Name" : "Proto 服務名稱" ,
"Proto Method" : "Proto 方式" ,
"onebotGroupMessage" : "群組" ,
"onebotMessageType" : "OneBot 訊息類型" ,
"ntfy Topic" : "ntfy Topic" ,
"Legacy Octopush-DM" : "舊版 Octopush-DM" ,
"Octopush API Version" : "Octopush API 版本" ,
"From Name/Number" : "發送人名稱/號碼" ,
"Recipient Number" : "收件人號碼" ,
"smseaglePriority" : "訊息優先度 (0-9, 預設 = 0)" ,
"smseagleEncoding" : "以 Unicode 傳送" ,
"smseagleUrl" : "您的 SMSEagle 裝置 URL" ,
"smseagleToken" : "API 存取 Token" ,
"smseagleRecipient" : "收件者 (以逗號分隔)" ,
"smseagleRecipientType" : "收件者類型" ,
"smseagleContact" : "聯絡人名稱" ,
"smseagleGroup" : "群組名稱" ,
"smseagleTo" : "電話號碼" ,
"smseagle" : "SMSEagle" ,
"auto resolve" : "自動解決" ,
"do nothing" : "不進行任何操作" ,
"Auto resolve or acknowledged" : "自動解決或標記已讀" ,
"Integration URL" : "Integration URL" ,
"Integration Key" : "Integration Key" ,
"wayToGetClickSendSMSToken" : "您可以到 {0} 取得 API 使用者名稱和 API Key。" ,
"PushDeer Key" : "PushDeer Key" ,
"onebotSafetyTips" : "為了安全起見,必須設置存取 Token" ,
"onebotUserOrGroupId" : "群組/使用者 ID" ,
"onebotPrivateMessage" : "私人"