@ -198,6 +198,8 @@
"webhookCustomBodyDesc": "Define a custom HTTP Body for the request. Template variables {msg}, {heartbeat}, {monitor} are accepted.",
"webhookCustomBodyDesc": "Define a custom HTTP Body for the request. Template variables {msg}, {heartbeat}, {monitor} are accepted.",
"webhookAdditionalHeadersTitle": "Additional Headers",
"webhookAdditionalHeadersTitle": "Additional Headers",
"webhookAdditionalHeadersDesc": "Sets additional headers sent with the webhook. Each header should be defined as a JSON key/value.",
"webhookAdditionalHeadersDesc": "Sets additional headers sent with the webhook. Each header should be defined as a JSON key/value.",
"webhookBodyPresetOption": "Preset - {0}",
"webhookBodyCustomOption": "Custom Body",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook URL",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook URL",
"Application Token": "Application Token",
"Application Token": "Application Token",
"Server URL": "Server URL",
"Server URL": "Server URL",