@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
< div class = "row" >
< div class = "row" >
< div class = "col-xl-7" >
< div class = "col-xl-7" >
<!-- Title -- >
<!-- Title -- >
< div class = "m y -3">
< div class = "m b -3">
< label for = "name" class = "form-label" > { { $t ( "Title" ) } } < / label >
< label for = "name" class = "form-label" > { { $t ( "Title" ) } } < / label >
< input
< input
id = "name" v - model = "maintenance.title" type = "text" class = "form-control"
id = "name" v - model = "maintenance.title" type = "text" class = "form-control"
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
track - by = "id"
track - by = "id"
label = "name"
label = "name"
: multiple = "true"
: multiple = "true"
: allow - empty = "false"
: close - on - select = "false"
: close - on - select = "false"
: clear - on - select = "false"
: clear - on - select = "false"
: preserve - search = "true"
: preserve - search = "true"
@ -70,7 +69,6 @@
track - by = "id"
track - by = "id"
label = "name"
label = "name"
: multiple = "true"
: multiple = "true"
: allow - empty = "true"
: close - on - select = "false"
: close - on - select = "false"
: clear - on - select = "false"
: clear - on - select = "false"
: preserve - search = "true"
: preserve - search = "true"
@ -82,26 +80,132 @@
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< h2 class = "mt-5" > { { $t ( " Effective Date Rang e") } } < / h2 >
< h2 class = "mt-5" > { { $t ( " Date and Tim e") } } < / h2 >
<!-- Start Date Time -- >
< div > ⚠ ️ { { $t ( "warningTimezone" ) } } < / div >
< div class = "my-3" >
< label for = "start_date" class = "form-label" > { { $t ( "Start Date" ) } } < / label >
< input
id = "start_date" v - model = "maintenance.start_date" : type = "'datetime-local'"
class = "form-control" : class = "{'dark-calendar': dark }" required
< / div >
<!-- End Date Time -- >
<!-- Strategy -- >
< div class = "my-3" >
< div class = "my-3" >
< label for = "end_date" class = "form-label" > { { $t ( "End Date" ) } } < / label >
< label for = "strategy" class = "form-label" > { { $t ( "Strategy" ) } } < / label >
< input
< select id = "strategy" v-model ="maintenance.strategy" class="form-select" >
id = "end_date" v - model = "maintenance.end_date" : type = "'datetime-local'"
< option value = "manual" > { { $t ( "strategyManual" ) } } < / option >
class = "form-control" : class = "{'dark-calendar': dark }" required
< option value = "single" > Single Maintenance Window < / option >
< option value = "recurring-interval" > { { $t ( "Recurring" ) } } - { { $t ( "recurringInterval" ) } } < / option >
< option value = "recurring-weekday" > { { $t ( "Recurring" ) } } - Weekday < / option >
< option value = "recurring-day-of-month" > { { $t ( "Recurring" ) } } - Day of Month < / option >
< option v-if ="false" value="recurring-day-of-year" > {{ $ t ( " Recurring " ) }} - Day of Year < / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- Single Maintenance Window -- >
< template v-if ="maintenance.strategy === 'single'" >
<!-- DateTime Range -- >
< div class = "my-3" >
< label class = "form-label" > { { $t ( "DateTime Range" ) } } < / label >
< Datepicker
v - model = "maintenance.dateTimeRange"
: dark = "$root.isDark"
range textInput
: monthChangeOnScroll = "false"
: minDate = "minDate"
format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
utc = "preserve"
/ >
< / div >
< / template >
<!-- Recurring - Interval -- >
< template v-if ="maintenance.strategy === 'recurring-interval'" >
< div class = "my-3" >
< label for = "interval-day" class = "form-label" >
{ { $t ( "recurringInterval" ) } }
< template v-if ="maintenance.intervalDay >= 1" >
( { {
$tc ( "recurringIntervalMessage" , maintenance . intervalDay , [
maintenance . intervalDay
] )
} } )
< / template >
< / label >
< input id = "interval-day" v-model ="maintenance.intervalDay" type="number" class="form-control" required min="1" max="3650" step="1" >
< / div >
< / template >
<!-- Recurring - Weekday -- >
< template v-if ="maintenance.strategy === 'recurring-weekday'" >
< div class = "my-3" >
< label for = "interval-day" class = "form-label" >
{ { $t ( "Weekday" ) } }
< / label >
<!-- Weekday Picker -- >
< div class = "weekday-picker" >
< div v-for ="(weekday, index) in weekdays" :key ="index" >
< label class = "form-check-label" :for ="weekday.id" > { { $t ( weekday . langKey ) } } < / label >
< div class = "form-check-inline" > < input :id ="weekday.id" v-model ="maintenance.weekdays" type="checkbox" :value="weekday.value" class="form-check-input" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / template >
<!-- Recurring - Day of month -- >
< template v-if ="maintenance.strategy === 'recurring-day-of-month'" >
< div class = "my-3" >
< label for = "interval-day" class = "form-label" >
{ { $t ( "dayOfMonth" ) } }
< / label >
<!-- Day Picker -- >
< div class = "day-picker" >
< div v-for ="index in 31" :key ="index" >
< label class = "form-check-label" : for = "'day' + index" > { { index } } < / label >
< div class = "form-check-inline" >
< input : id = "'day' + index" v-model ="maintenance.daysOfMonth" type="checkbox" :value="index" class="form-check-input" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mt-3 mb-2" > { { $t ( "lastDay" ) } } < / div >
< div v-for ="(lastDay, index) in lastDays" :key="index" class="form-check" >
< input :id ="lastDay.langKey" v-model ="maintenance.daysOfMonth" type="checkbox" :value="lastDay.value" class="form-check-input" >
< label class = "form-check-label" :for ="lastDay.langKey" >
{ { $t ( lastDay . langKey ) } }
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< / template >
<!-- For any recurring types -- >
< template v-if ="maintenance.strategy === 'recurring-interval' || maintenance.strategy === 'recurring-weekday' || maintenance.strategy === 'recurring-day-of-month'" >
<!-- Maintenance Time Window of a Day -- >
< div class = "my-3" >
< label class = "form-label" > { { $t ( "Maintenance Time Window of a Day" ) } } < / label >
< Datepicker
v - model = "maintenance.timeRange"
: dark = "$root.isDark"
timePicker disableTimeRangeValidation range
placeholder = "Select Time"
/ >
< / div >
<!-- Date Range -- >
< div class = "my-3" >
< label class = "form-label" > { { $t ( "Effective Date Range" ) } } < / label >
< Datepicker
v - model = "maintenance.dateRange"
: dark = "$root.isDark"
range textInput datePicker
: monthChangeOnScroll = "false"
: minDate = "minDate"
: enableTimePicker = "false"
utc = "preserve"
/ >
< / div >
< / template >
< div class = "mt-4 mb-1" >
< div class = "mt-4 mb-1" >
< button
< button
id = "monitor-submit-btn" class = "btn btn-primary" type = "submit"
id = "monitor-submit-btn" class = "btn btn-primary" type = "submit"
@ -122,12 +226,15 @@
import { useToast } from "vue-toastification" ;
import { useToast } from "vue-toastification" ;
import VueMultiselect from "vue-multiselect" ;
import VueMultiselect from "vue-multiselect" ;
import dayjs from "dayjs" ;
import Datepicker from "@vuepic/vue-datepicker" ;
const toast = useToast ( ) ;
const toast = useToast ( ) ;
export default {
export default {
components : {
components : {
VueMultiselect ,
VueMultiselect ,
} ,
} ,
data ( ) {
data ( ) {
@ -139,6 +246,63 @@ export default {
showOnAllPages : false ,
showOnAllPages : false ,
selectedStatusPages : [ ] ,
selectedStatusPages : [ ] ,
dark : ( this . $root . theme === "dark" ) ,
dark : ( this . $root . theme === "dark" ) ,
neverEnd : false ,
minDate : this . $root . date ( dayjs ( ) ) + " 00:00" ,
lastDays : [
langKey : "lastDay1" ,
value : "lastDay1" ,
} ,
langKey : "lastDay2" ,
value : "lastDay2" ,
} ,
langKey : "lastDay3" ,
value : "lastDay3" ,
} ,
langKey : "lastDay4" ,
value : "lastDay4" ,
] ,
weekdays : [
id : "weekday1" ,
langKey : "weekdayShortMon" ,
value : 1 ,
} ,
id : "weekday2" ,
langKey : "weekdayShortTue" ,
value : 2 ,
} ,
id : "weekday3" ,
langKey : "weekdayShortWed" ,
value : 3 ,
} ,
id : "weekday4" ,
langKey : "weekdayShortTue" ,
value : 4 ,
} ,
id : "weekday5" ,
langKey : "weekdayShortFri" ,
value : 5 ,
} ,
id : "weekday6" ,
langKey : "weekdayShortSat" ,
value : 6 ,
} ,
id : "weekday7" ,
langKey : "weekdayShortSun" ,
value : 7 ,
} ,
] ,
} ;
} ;
} ,
} ,
@ -169,8 +333,13 @@ export default {
watch : {
watch : {
"$route.fullPath" ( ) {
"$route.fullPath" ( ) {
this . init ( ) ;
this . init ( ) ;
} ,
neverEnd ( value ) {
if ( value ) {
this . maintenance . recurringEndDate = "" ;
} ,
} ,
} ,
mounted ( ) {
mounted ( ) {
this . init ( ) ;
this . init ( ) ;
@ -195,8 +364,21 @@ export default {
this . maintenance = {
this . maintenance = {
title : "" ,
title : "" ,
description : "" ,
description : "" ,
start _date : "" ,
strategy : "single" ,
end _date : "" ,
active : 1 ,
recurringStartDate : this . $root . date ( dayjs ( ) ) ,
recurringEndDate : "" ,
intervalDay : 1 ,
dateTimeRange : [ this . minDate ] ,
timeRange : [ {
hours : 2 ,
minutes : 0 ,
} , {
hours : 3 ,
minutes : 0 ,
} ] ,
weekdays : [ ] ,
daysOfMonth : [ ] ,
} ;
} ;
} else if ( this . isEdit ) {
} else if ( this . isEdit ) {
this . $root . getSocket ( ) . emit ( "getMaintenance" , this . $route . params . id , ( res ) => {
this . $root . getSocket ( ) . emit ( "getMaintenance" , this . $route . params . id , ( res ) => {
@ -332,4 +514,38 @@ textarea {
. dark - calendar : : - webkit - calendar - picker - indicator {
. dark - calendar : : - webkit - calendar - picker - indicator {
filter : invert ( 1 ) ;
filter : invert ( 1 ) ;
. weekday - picker {
display : flex ;
gap : 10 px ;
& > div {
display : flex ;
flex - direction : column ;
align - items : center ;
width : 40 px ;
. form - check - inline {
margin - right : 0 ;
. day - picker {
display : flex ;
gap : 10 px ;
flex - wrap : wrap ;
& > div {
display : flex ;
flex - direction : column ;
align - items : center ;
width : 40 px ;
. form - check - inline {
margin - right : 0 ;
< / style >
< / style >