## On SSO Signup if a user with a matching email already exists make the association
## On SSO Signup if a user with a matching email already exists make the association
## Allow unknown email verification status. Allowing this with `SSO_SIGNUPS_MATCH_EMAIL=true` open potential account takeover.
## Base URL of the OIDC server (auto-discovery is used)
## Base URL of the OIDC server (auto-discovery is used)
## - Should not include the `/.well-known/openid-configuration` part and no trailing `/`
## - Should not include the `/.well-known/openid-configuration` part and no trailing `/`
## - ${SSO_AUTHORITY}/.well-known/openid-configuration should return a json document: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfigurationResponse
## - ${SSO_AUTHORITY}/.well-known/openid-configuration should return a json document: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfigurationResponse
- `SSO_SIGNUPS_MATCH_EMAIL`: On SSO Signup if a user with a matching email already exists make the association (default `true`)
- `SSO_SIGNUPS_MATCH_EMAIL`: On SSO Signup if a user with a matching email already exists make the association (default `true`)
- `SSO_ALLOW_UNKNOWN_EMAIL_VERIFICATION`: Allow unknown email verification status (default `false`). Allowing this with `SSO_SIGNUPS_MATCH_EMAIL` open potential account takeover.
- `SSO_AUTHORITY` : the OpenID Connect Discovery endpoint of your SSO
- `SSO_AUTHORITY` : the OpenID Connect Discovery endpoint of your SSO
- Should not include the `/.well-known/openid-configuration` part and no trailing `/`
- Should not include the `/.well-known/openid-configuration` part and no trailing `/`
- $SSO_AUTHORITY/.well-known/openid-configuration should return the a json document: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfigurationResponse
- $SSO_AUTHORITY/.well-known/openid-configuration should return the a json document: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfigurationResponse
@ -57,6 +58,16 @@ To delete the association (this has no impact on the `Vaultwarden` user):
If your provider does not send the verification status of emails (`email_verified` [claim](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims)) you will need to activate this setting.
If set with `SSO_SIGNUPS_MATCH_EMAIL=true` (the default), then a user can associate with an existing, non-SSO account, even if they do not control the email address.
This allow a user to gain access to sensitive information but the master password is still required to read the passwords.
As such when using `SSO_ALLOW_UNKNOWN_EMAIL_VERIFICATION` it is recommended to disable `SSO_SIGNUPS_MATCH_EMAIL`.
If you need to associate non sso users try to keep both settings activated for the shortest time possible.
## Client Cache
## Client Cache
By default the client cache is disabled since it can cause issues with the signing keys.
By default the client cache is disabled since it can cause issues with the signing keys.