@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static CLIENT: Lazy<Client> = Lazy::new(|| {
// Reuse the client between requests
let client = get_reqwest_client_builder ( )
. cookie_provider ( cookie_store. clone ( ) )
. cookie_provider ( Arc::clone ( & cookie_store) )
. timeout ( Duration ::from_secs ( CONFIG . icon_download_timeout ( ) ) )
. default_headers ( default_headers . clone ( ) ) ;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static ICON_SIZE_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"(?x)(\d+)\D*(\d+
static ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX : Lazy < dashmap ::DashMap < String , Regex > > = Lazy ::new ( dashmap ::DashMap ::new ) ;
async fn icon_redirect ( domain : & str , template : & str ) -> Option < Redirect > {
if ! is_valid_domain ( domain ) . await {
if ! is_valid_domain ( domain ) {
warn ! ( "Invalid domain: {}" , domain ) ;
return None ;
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ async fn icon_google(domain: String) -> Option<Redirect> {
async fn icon_internal ( domain : String ) -> Cached < ( ContentType , Vec < u8 > ) > {
const FALLBACK_ICON : & [ u8 ] = include_bytes! ( "../static/images/fallback-icon.png" ) ;
if ! is_valid_domain ( & domain ) . await {
if ! is_valid_domain ( & domain ) {
warn ! ( "Invalid domain: {}" , domain ) ;
return Cached ::ttl (
( ContentType ::new ( "image" , "png" ) , FALLBACK_ICON . to_vec ( ) ) ,
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ async fn icon_internal(domain: String) -> Cached<(ContentType, Vec<u8>)> {
/// This does some manual checks and makes use of Url to do some basic checking.
/// domains can't be larger then 63 characters (not counting multiple subdomains) according to the RFC's, but we limit the total size to 255.
async fn is_valid_domain ( domain : & str ) -> bool {
fn is_valid_domain ( domain : & str ) -> bool {
const ALLOWED_CHARS : & str = "_-." ;
// If parsing the domain fails using Url, it will not work with reqwest.
@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ mod tests {
use cached ::proc_macro ::cached ;
#[ cached(key = " String " , convert = r# " { domain.to_string() } " #, size = 16, time = 60) ]
#[ allow(clippy::unused_async) ] // This is needed because cached causes a false-positive here.
async fn is_domain_blacklisted ( domain : & str ) -> bool {
if CONFIG . icon_blacklist_non_global_ips ( ) {
if let Ok ( s ) = lookup_host ( ( domain , 0 ) ) . await {
@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ async fn is_domain_blacklisted(domain: &str) -> bool {
// Generate the regex to store in too the Lazy Static HashMap.
let blacklist_regex = Regex ::new ( & blacklist ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let is_match = blacklist_regex . is_match ( domain ) ;
ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX . insert ( blacklist . to_string ( ) , blacklist_regex ) ;
ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX . insert ( blacklist . clone ( ) , blacklist_regex ) ;
} ;
@ -326,7 +327,7 @@ async fn get_icon(domain: &str) -> Option<(Vec<u8>, String)> {
if let Some ( icon ) = get_cached_icon ( & path ) . await {
let icon_type = match get_icon_type ( & icon ) . await {
let icon_type = match get_icon_type ( & icon ) {
Some ( x ) = > x ,
_ = > "x-icon" ,
} ;
@ -416,7 +417,7 @@ impl Icon {
async fn get_favicons_node (
fn get_favicons_node (
dom : InfallibleTokenizer < StringReader < ' _ > , FaviconEmitter > ,
icons : & mut Vec < Icon > ,
url : & url ::Url ,
@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ async fn get_favicons_node(
} else {
} ;
let priority = get_icon_priority ( full_href . as_str ( ) , sizes ) .await ;
let priority = get_icon_priority ( full_href . as_str ( ) , sizes ) ;
icons . push ( Icon ::new ( priority , full_href . to_string ( ) ) ) ;
} ;
@ -512,7 +513,7 @@ async fn get_icon_url(domain: &str) -> Result<IconUrlResult, Error> {
tld = domain_parts . next_back ( ) . unwrap ( ) ,
base = domain_parts . next_back ( ) . unwrap ( )
) ;
if is_valid_domain ( & base_domain ) . await {
if is_valid_domain ( & base_domain ) {
let sslbase = format! ( "https://{base_domain}" ) ;
let httpbase = format! ( "http://{base_domain}" ) ;
debug ! ( "[get_icon_url]: Trying without subdomains '{base_domain}'" ) ;
@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ async fn get_icon_url(domain: &str) -> Result<IconUrlResult, Error> {
// When the domain is not an IP, and has less then 2 dots, try to add www. infront of it.
} else if is_ip . is_err ( ) & & domain . matches ( '.' ) . count ( ) < 2 {
let www_domain = format! ( "www.{domain}" ) ;
if is_valid_domain ( & www_domain ) . await {
if is_valid_domain ( & www_domain ) {
let sslwww = format! ( "https://{www_domain}" ) ;
let httpwww = format! ( "http://{www_domain}" ) ;
debug ! ( "[get_icon_url]: Trying with www. prefix '{www_domain}'" ) ;
@ -555,7 +556,7 @@ async fn get_icon_url(domain: &str) -> Result<IconUrlResult, Error> {
let limited_reader = stream_to_bytes_limit ( content , 384 * 1024 ) . await ? . to_vec ( ) ;
let dom = Tokenizer ::new_with_emitter ( limited_reader . to_reader ( ) , FaviconEmitter ::default ( ) ) . infallible ( ) ;
get_favicons_node ( dom , & mut iconlist , & url ) .await ;
get_favicons_node ( dom , & mut iconlist , & url ) ;
} else {
// Add the default favicon.ico to the list with just the given domain
iconlist . push ( Icon ::new ( 35 , format! ( "{ssldomain}/favicon.ico" ) ) ) ;
@ -603,12 +604,12 @@ async fn get_page_with_referer(url: &str, referer: &str) -> Result<Response, Err
/// # Example
/// ```
/// priority1 = get_icon_priority("http://example.com/path/to/a/favicon.png", "32x32") .await ;
/// priority2 = get_icon_priority("https://example.com/path/to/a/favicon.ico", "") .await ;
/// priority1 = get_icon_priority("http://example.com/path/to/a/favicon.png", "32x32") ;
/// priority2 = get_icon_priority("https://example.com/path/to/a/favicon.ico", "") ;
/// ```
async fn get_icon_priority ( href : & str , sizes : & str ) -> u8 {
fn get_icon_priority ( href : & str , sizes : & str ) -> u8 {
// Check if there is a dimension set
let ( width , height ) = parse_sizes ( sizes ) .await ;
let ( width , height ) = parse_sizes ( sizes ) ;
// Check if there is a size given
if width ! = 0 & & height ! = 0 {
@ -650,11 +651,11 @@ async fn get_icon_priority(href: &str, sizes: &str) -> u8 {
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("64x64") .await ; // (64, 64)
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("x128x128") .await ; // (128, 128)
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("32") .await ; // (0, 0)
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("64x64") ; // (64, 64)
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("x128x128") ; // (128, 128)
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("32") ; // (0, 0)
/// ```
async fn parse_sizes ( sizes : & str ) -> ( u16 , u16 ) {
fn parse_sizes ( sizes : & str ) -> ( u16 , u16 ) {
let mut width : u16 = 0 ;
let mut height : u16 = 0 ;
@ -698,7 +699,7 @@ async fn download_icon(domain: &str) -> Result<(Bytes, Option<&str>), Error> {
// Also check if the size is atleast 67 bytes, which seems to be the smallest png i could create
if body . len ( ) > = 67 {
// Check if the icon type is allowed, else try an icon from the list.
icon_type = get_icon_type ( & body ) .await ;
icon_type = get_icon_type ( & body ) ;
if icon_type . is_none ( ) {
debug ! ( "Icon from {} data:image uri, is not a valid image type" , domain ) ;
continue ;
@ -716,7 +717,7 @@ async fn download_icon(domain: &str) -> Result<(Bytes, Option<&str>), Error> {
buffer = stream_to_bytes_limit ( res , 5120 * 1024 ) . await ? ; // 5120KB/5MB for each icon max (Same as icons.bitwarden.net)
// Check if the icon type is allowed, else try an icon from the list.
icon_type = get_icon_type ( & buffer ) .await ;
icon_type = get_icon_type ( & buffer ) ;
if icon_type . is_none ( ) {
buffer . clear ( ) ;
debug ! ( "Icon from {}, is not a valid image type" , icon . href ) ;
@ -751,7 +752,7 @@ async fn save_icon(path: &str, icon: &[u8]) {
async fn get_icon_type ( bytes : & [ u8 ] ) -> Option < & ' static str > {
fn get_icon_type ( bytes : & [ u8 ] ) -> Option < & ' static str > {
match bytes {
[ 137 , 80 , 78 , 71 , .. ] = > Some ( "png" ) ,
[ 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , .. ] = > Some ( "x-icon" ) ,