@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ fn login(data: Form<ConnectData>, conn: DbConn, ip: ClientIp) -> JsonResult {
_password_login(data, conn, &ip)
"client_credentials" => {
_check_is_some(&data.client_id, "client_id cannot be blank")?;
_check_is_some(&data.client_secret, "client_secret cannot be blank")?;
_check_is_some(&data.scope, "scope cannot be blank")?;
_api_key_login(data, conn, &ip)
t => err!("Invalid type", t),
@ -54,13 +61,15 @@ fn _refresh_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
// Get device by refresh token
let mut device = Device::find_by_refresh_token(&token, &conn).map_res("Invalid refresh token")?;
let scope = "api offline_access";
let scope_vec = vec!["api".into(), "offline_access".into()];
// Common
let user = User::find_by_uuid(&device.user_uuid, &conn).unwrap();
let orgs = UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&user.uuid, &conn);
let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, orgs);
let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, orgs, scope_vec);
"access_token": access_token,
"expires_in": expires_in,
@ -72,7 +81,7 @@ fn _refresh_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
"Kdf": user.client_kdf_type,
"KdfIterations": user.client_kdf_iter,
"ResetMasterPassword": false, // TODO: according to official server seems something like: user.password_hash.is_empty(), but would need testing
"scope": "api offline_access",
"scope": scope,
"unofficialServer": true,
@ -83,6 +92,7 @@ fn _password_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn, ip: &ClientIp) -> JsonResult
if scope != "api offline_access" {
err!("Scope not supported")
let scope_vec = vec!["api".into(), "offline_access".into()];
// Ratelimit the login
@ -150,8 +160,7 @@ fn _password_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn, ip: &ClientIp) -> JsonResult
// Common
let orgs = UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&user.uuid, &conn);
let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, orgs);
let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, orgs, scope_vec);
let mut result = json!({
@ -166,7 +175,7 @@ fn _password_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn, ip: &ClientIp) -> JsonResult
"Kdf": user.client_kdf_type,
"KdfIterations": user.client_kdf_iter,
"ResetMasterPassword": false,// TODO: Same as above
"scope": "api offline_access",
"scope": scope,
"unofficialServer": true,
@ -178,6 +187,76 @@ fn _password_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn, ip: &ClientIp) -> JsonResult
fn _api_key_login(data: ConnectData, conn: DbConn, ip: &ClientIp) -> JsonResult {
// Validate scope
let scope = data.scope.as_ref().unwrap();
if scope != "api" {
err!("Scope not supported")
let scope_vec = vec!["api".into()];
// Ratelimit the login
// Get the user via the client_id
let client_id = data.client_id.as_ref().unwrap();
let user_uuid = match client_id.strip_prefix("user.") {
Some(uuid) => uuid,
None => err!("Malformed client_id", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip)),
let user = match User::find_by_uuid(user_uuid, &conn) {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("Invalid client_id", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip)),
// Check if the user is disabled
if !user.enabled {
err!("This user has been disabled (API key login)", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, user.email))
// Check API key. Note that API key logins bypass 2FA.
let client_secret = data.client_secret.as_ref().unwrap();
if !user.check_valid_api_key(client_secret) {
err!("Incorrect client_secret", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, user.email))
let (mut device, new_device) = get_device(&data, &conn, &user);
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() && new_device {
let now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
if let Err(e) = mail::send_new_device_logged_in(&user.email, &ip.ip.to_string(), &now, &device.name) {
error!("Error sending new device email: {:#?}", e);
if CONFIG.require_device_email() {
err!("Could not send login notification email. Please contact your administrator.")
// Common
let orgs = UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&user.uuid, &conn);
let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, orgs, scope_vec);
info!("User {} logged in successfully via API key. IP: {}", user.email, ip.ip);
// Note: No refresh_token is returned. The CLI just repeats the
// client_credentials login flow when the existing token expires.
"access_token": access_token,
"expires_in": expires_in,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"Key": user.akey,
"PrivateKey": user.private_key,
"Kdf": user.client_kdf_type,
"KdfIterations": user.client_kdf_iter,
"ResetMasterPassword": false, // TODO: Same as above
"scope": scope,
"unofficialServer": true,
/// Retrieves an existing device or creates a new device from ConnectData and the User
fn get_device(data: &ConnectData, conn: &DbConn, user: &User) -> (Device, bool) {
// On iOS, device_type sends "iOS", on others it sends a number
@ -374,17 +453,20 @@ fn _json_err_twofactor(providers: &[i32], user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Api
// https://github.com/bitwarden/jslib/blob/master/common/src/models/request/tokenRequest.ts
// https://github.com/bitwarden/mobile/blob/master/src/Core/Models/Request/TokenRequest.cs
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
struct ConnectData {
grant_type: String, // refresh_token, password
// refresh_token, password, client_credentials (API key)
grant_type: String,
// Needed for grant_type="refresh_token"
refresh_token: Option<String>,
// Needed for grant_type="password"
// Needed for grant_type = "password" | "client_credentials"
client_id: Option<String>, // web, cli, desktop, browser, mobile
client_secret: Option<String>, // API key login (cli only)
password: Option<String>,
scope: Option<String>,
username: Option<String>,
@ -414,6 +496,7 @@ impl<'f> FromForm<'f> for ConnectData {
"granttype" => form.grant_type = value,
"refreshtoken" => form.refresh_token = Some(value),
"clientid" => form.client_id = Some(value),
"clientsecret" => form.client_secret = Some(value),
"password" => form.password = Some(value),
"scope" => form.scope = Some(value),
"username" => form.username = Some(value),