15 Configuration File
meisnate12 edited this page 2 years ago

The script utilizes a YAML config file to load information to connect to the various APIs you can connect with.

By default, the script looks at /config/config.yml for the Configuration File unless otherwise specified.

A template Configuration File can be found in the repo config/config.yml.template.

The YAML mappings that can be set in the configuration file's root:

Name YAML Attribute Required
Libraries libraries ✔️
Playlist Files playlist_files
Settings settings
Webhooks webhooks
Plex plex
TMDb tmdb ✔️
Tautulli tautulli
OMDb omdb
Notifiarr notifiarr
AniDB anidb
Radarr radarr
Sonarr sonarr
Trakt trakt
MyAnimeList mal