4 Metadata and Playlist Files
meisnate12 edited this page 2 years ago

The main goal of the script is to allow a complete recreation of your library just from the Metadata File and to dynamically build and maintain collections and playlists.

You specify the metadata and collections in a Metadata File that is defined by the Libraries Attribute in the Configuration File.

While you specify playlists in a Playlist File that is defined by the Playlist Files Attribute in the Configuration File.

Metadata Files

There are three mappings allowed in the Metadata File's root:

Name Attribute Description
Metadata metadata mapping where metadata changes go
Templates templates mapping where templates for automatic collections go
Collections collections mapping where automatic collections and collection metadata go

Playlist Files

There are two mappings allowed in the Playlist File's root:

++Note: Many players cannot resume playing a playlist in order vote for this Feature to be added.**

Name Attribute Description
Templates templates mapping where templates for automatic collections go
Playlists playlists mapping where automatic playlists and playlist metadata go

Collections and Playlists Mappings

The script can run different collection/playlist operations like automatically build collections/playlists, send missing movies/series to radarr/sonarr, and even refresh item's added within the last 30 days in order to update their metadata all using the collections/playlists attributes.

Each collection/playlist operation is defined by the mapping name which becomes the name of the Plex collection/playlist if it's created.

There are three types of attributes in a collection/playlist

  1. Builders: an attribute that finds items to be added to the collection/playlist. Multiple builders can be used in the same collection/playlist from a variety of sources listed below.

  2. Details: an attribute that changes anything about the metadata of the item or about how the script functions for th collection/playlist

  3. Filters: attributes that filters items added to all Builders

Additional Playlist Attributes

Each playlist operation requires the libraries attribute. Which is how the script knows which libraries to search for items in.

The names can either be a list or comma-separated string of names that match the mapping names defined in your Configuration File.

Each playlist can also be given the sync_to_users which will overrider the global playlist_sync_to_users Setting.

The values can either be all or a list or comma-separated string of users you want the playlist synced to in addition to yourself. To Sync a playlist to only yourself leave sync_to_users blank.

  Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    sync_mode: sync
    libraries: Movies, TV Shows
    sync_to_users: all
    trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/donxy/lists/marvel-cinematic-universe?sort=rank,asc
    summary: Marvel Cinematic Universe In Chronological Order

Note: For a library to be able to be used with the playlist it must be defined in the Configuration File's libraries attribute. Note: Playlists can only have a max of one Builder because they are all inherently ordered.