3 Playlist Files Attributes
meisnate12 edited this page 2 years ago

Since playlists are not specific to one library they will need their own special Playlist File to work.

You can define Playlist Files by using playlist_files. They can either be on the local system, online at an url, or directly from the Plex Meta Manager Configs repository.

By default, when playlist_files is missing the script will look in your config directory for playlists.yml.

To use a local Playlist File add file under playlist_files set to the system path of the yaml file.

  file: /config/My Movies Playlists.yml

To use all yaml files in a particular folder add folder under playlist_files set to the system path of the folder containing the yaml files.

  folder: /config/Movie Playlists/

To use a Playlist File online add url under playlist_files set to the url of the yaml file.

  url: http://somesite.com/playlist_file.yml

To use a Playlist File from the Plex Meta Manager Configs repository add git under playlist_files set to the path in the repository.

  git: meisnate12/Playlists

To use a Playlist File from a custom_repo defined in the global Settings add repo under playlist_files set to the path in the repository.

  • This loads the yaml file at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zluckytraveler/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/master/zluckytraveler/Collections/Movies/Movies.yml
  custom_repo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zluckytraveler/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/master/zluckytraveler/
  repo: Collections/Movies/Movies

You can specify multiple paths of any type using a list like below.

  - file: /config/My Movies Playlists.yml
  - file: /config/My Shows Playlists.yml
  - url: http://somesite.com/playlist_file.yml
  - git: meisnate12/Playlists