4 Installation
meisnate12 edited this page 2 years ago

Local Installation

Testing has been done only on Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 on Linux and Windows. Dependencies must be installed by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If there are issues installing dependencies try:

pip install -r requirements.txt --ignore-installed

To run the script in an interactive terminal run:

python plex_meta_manager.py

Docker Installation

A simple Dockerfile is available in this repo if you'd like to build it yourself. The official build is also available from dockerhub here: https://hub.docker.com/r/meisnate12/plex-meta-manager

docker run -it -v <PATH_TO_CONFIG>:/config:rw meisnate12/plex-meta-manager
  • The -it allows you to interact with the script when needed.
    • For example, it's required in order to go through the OAuth flow while connecting to Trakt or MyAnimeList.
  • The -v <PATH_TO_CONFIG>:/config:rw mounts the location you choose as a persistent volume to store your files.
    • Change <PATH_TO_CONFIG> to a folder where your config.yml and other files are.
    • The docker image defaults to running the config named config.yml in your persistent volume.
    • Use quotes around the whole thing if your path has spaces i.e. -v "<PATH_TO_CONFIG>:/config:rw"


docker run -it -v "X:\Media\Plex Meta Manager\config:/config:rw" meisnate12/plex-meta-manager

Docker Compose Example

version: "2.1"
    image: meisnate12/plex-meta-manager
    container_name: plex-meta-manager
      - TZ=TIMEZONE #optional
      - /path/to/config:/config 
    restart: unless-stopped